I hate rain, well I hate rain when its by itself, throw in some wind, thunder, lightening and a bit of hail (for good measure) and then you have a storm! I LOVE STORMS! I like to sit on the covered porch w/ a tasty beverage & watch them go down. I love the black sky, the rhythm the rain makes on the roof of the porch and I love the way the rain looks coming down when it hits the street. My least favorite thing about the rain? UMBRELLAS, that's right, I hate umbrellas. Rihanna would be pissed I bet. Today it was pouring out, I broke down and opened my umbrella for the 1st time this year, I feel like my vagina is showing, I felt like people were making fun of me, I just think it has to be a VERY dire situation for a man to use an umbrella. Now I have this soaking wet, piece of shit in my cubicle, making my area moist, its obnoxious. it better rain all damn day, cause I hate carrying an umbrella when there is no rain even more, it looks ridonk...
Also when it rains I cant ride the bike, OK let me re-phrase, I CAN, but the work it takes to make it clean again is extensive! if I'm on a trip and it happens, then OH WELL, but I typically wont go riding in the rain for the hell of it.
Trimmed the beard last night, KG (Dad) showed me the ropes as he has had a beard for like 20 years, and this is my 1st go-round, it turned out well. Even my un precise ass can make it happen because its pretty damn fool proof. Which is good because my Un-Diagnosed ADD doesn't allow me to be patient lol. I wanted to trim it cool, but Ill fuck it up for sure... so until I get some confidence in my skills, ill keep it easy.
I hurt my back today in the shower, I didn't even do shit either, just turned to get the soap. WTF? My GF asked if I aged 20 yrs in a week, I'm like I guess.
OK folks, off to find some muscle relaxers! have a great WED!!!!!
You're not allowed to blog about shower-related back injuries unless sex is involved.
I was using it to explain oldness, NOT brag lol its OK,
Invest in a rain coat, and then wear a hat! There-problem solved. Your vagina will be hidden once again.
Hey, I hope your back starts to feel better.
If you really want to feel better, I have to be specially adjusted because of my back problems.
I'm old.
I like the raincoat idea. You could get a sweet Matrix looking one. How about a really manly umbrella, like with crossbones or guns on it? As long as you're not wearing galoshes you're safe and will not be under suspicion.
Lee your problems are because of Giant boobs, mine are cause of oldness lol
I love the rain and umbrellas, but I am a girl :P For guys yeah I guess it would be pretty annoying to carry around something like an umbrella.
You trimmed the beard?? Why??
You are old...umbrellas and shower injuries all in one day....dude...want to share some of my Geritol?
I say if it's raining that hard, old man, rock that vagina!
Yaya I didn't chop it off. Just trimmed it up to make it neat
Weeds and Dexter are two of my favorites!!!
Bobby G, here are your 5 questions:
1.) Always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again? Why?
2.) Have a pie-eating contest or a wheelbarrow race? Why?
3.) What's your worst pet peeve?
4.) Last thing you bought?
5.) You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
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