I hate my job right now. My boss who is the shit, her last day is tomorrow. I wont be there due tot he wisdom teeth extraction. She was the reason why I took this job. Best boss I ever had. So the remaining 3 weeks are gonna be interesting. I don't know what to expect.
Yesterday I kinda had to go off on a guy. he kept blowing up my phone! I was on the other line and he left me 10 messages in 5 mins! 10! He called back and I answered because I was off the other line and he said I let 10 messages, I said WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU LEAVE 10 MESSAGES, he said it was urgent, I said that's why its a message! Obviously I wasn't available, you leave 1 message and I call you back! He was a shady immigration guy anyway, these people hire immigrants, but have to "post the job" No non immigrant has a chance to get this job, but they need a proof of running, so he was on my shit about sending him a paper. it was so annoying I was PISSED!
I want a Honda Fit. I know you either love em or hate em, but I LOVE THEM!

My VW still runs great, but its in rough shape, its 13 years old, still it only has 130K on it. I'm losing my job a the end of July, so OBVIOUSLY a purchase of that magnitude cant happen, but I do love them and maybe one day ill scoop one up!
OK FOLKS! Happy Thursday! Letters & zombies tomorrow!

I was reading behind a few posts. I also adore Dexter and Weeds. I tried the Wire - just didn't get into it after the first couple of episodes. Maybe, I need to try it again.
i got knocked out for my wisdom teeth, too. i promise you won't feel a thing. and after saturday you probably won't need the drugs anymore. so, if you're looking to get rid of them...
Go see Pat at Fisher Honda. He'll take care of ya!
Ive thought about it Laura lol
Tiffy, I do need extra loot...Hmmmmm
Just think about it this way...
if Yaya can do it, you can do it!
My dentist says I probably never have to get mine removed.
I really hope that's true.
I can't stand when ppl call and call and call. I have a few friends like that. I hate talking on the phone. Sheesh, I'll call ya back when I feel like it!
When I read about your wisdom teeth I shuddered and had horrible memories. Oy. I hope it goes smoothly for ya. No dry sockets or infections or anything. Make sure they give you an antibiotic for precaution. And pain killers. Lots and lots of painkillers. I did the tylenol and motrin rotation on top of the pain killers. Every 3 hours you take a different dose, alternating tylenol then motrin. Max doses of both. Good luck.
If someone left 10 messages in 5 minutes it would make me more determined not to call them back and piss them off even more - is that bad?
Toni, I wast gonna call him back, but he called again! lol
I love the Fit! We were going to buy one before I lost my job. My brother and his wife just got a used Civic and I was all, why the fuck didn't you just buy a Fit? Same price and it's brand new. Kids.
Good luck with the tooth.
I hope your mouth is feeling better by now. I had all 4 taken out at once OMG the pain afterwards. I was sore and in pain and chipmunk-faced for like a week. ::hugs!::
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