Second Blog Post today, I know, PAY ATTENTION TO ME is what I'm saying w/ 2 posts, but suck it up people, these were sent to me from the Optimistic Pessimist
1.) Always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again? Why?
Always speak all that's on my mind. That's how I do it now anyways! I cant STAND hiding shit from people, even if it makes them mad or sad, I figure as your friend you should know the un sugar-coated truth, hope you can handle it!
2.) Have a pie-eating contest or a wheelbarrow race? Why?
WTF? lol This is random everyone else got crazy questions that mattered lol. I'm sure the OP is probably running out of questions, so Id say Wheelbarrow Race, way less prep, and WAY less mess. Plus fat people don't have an advantage in the race...
3.) What's your worst pet peeve?
Oh man SO MANY! But if I had to pick one it'd be stupid people, I know that's vague as fuck, but I'm talking about the people at the gas station who smoke, the people who think I'm gonna stop when they cross the street, people who are on their cell, painting their toes & reading a book in their cars (WTF?) ya know, these folks...
4.) Last thing you bought?
AC refills for the VW, my AC was struggling and I HAD to recharge before the summer annoying heat hit me hard...
5.) You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
You cant use Anyone's first name or you have to drink..(Yeah the Asshole Drinking game) No seriously, I'd make Marijuana Legal, tax the shit out of it and be RICH! Never have to worry again!
Goals Update: January Edition
5 weeks ago
I think that being fat would be to your disadvantage in an eating competition. Too much fat preventing your stomach from expanding.
Ahh could be....
ah...that question was very meaningful and your answer mattered quite a lot actually.
I think I would like to move to your island!
also, you should check out the link about RWP I have in my current post. It goes to a blog post about Real World's what VEG calls stupid people and it really is an amazing post.
Shit..I link to it so much and tell everyone about it I'm going to start charging her for PR work.
I agree, Ganja should definitely be legalized, and taxed. It would free up lot of problems, and idiots can destroy their brain on their own time.
And speaking of idiots, stupid people are definitely one of my biggest pet peeves too. Seriously.
Love it! Can I move to your island? Also pet peeves...I have to add mine, people that get on the elevator and go up 1 floor. Take your fat ass to the stairs. Its always the big one that gets on and goes from floor 2 to 3. Drives me insane!!!
Can I move to your island?
It sounds kick ass.
Your island would be crowded quickly, I have a feeling....
I speak my mind too...even when my mouth is full of pie....
Great questions! Stupid ppl suck.
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