I fail to believe I'm not 22 anymore. I fail to believe it. Every time I get drunk I'm like "MAN I really need to take it easy when I drink, I'm not 22 anymore" Case in point: Friday me and the GF go to her friends house in Livonia, MI. they have this great fucking house w/ a basement w/ all the baddest shit! A Wurlitzer Juke Box, a Golden Tee Video Game, fucking 60" LCD Flat screen,fully stocked bar, like this place is PIMP! it was also stocked w/ 7 layer dip, meatballs, salami, cheese crackers and all kinds of deliciousness! We went to watch the Redwings game, which ended up sucking ass (they lost 2-1, and thus aren't champions of the world) So basically after that it was time to drink, and drink we did! I GOT SHITFACED! prob about 15 beers (including the 4 games of ill-advised beer pong I played at 1 or so in the morning) and of course my not 22 yr old ass puked my guts out that night. I woke up at about 6 am, in a strange bsmt (theirs) and my GF was no where to be found (eventually found her on the upstairs couch, passed the fuck out) We both HATED the earth on Sat. HATED IT! I had to go to my cousin's grad party at 3, I got there at 5 lol. To make matters worse it was the GFs friends bday party. She HAD to drink again, I made my ass DD lol. That way I had an EXCUSE not to drink. 4 beers the whole night from 8pm-2am. The THOUGHT of alcohol made me nauseous, the poor GF however sucked it up and was a trooper, but at the end of the night it ended in vomit for her too. The bitch of the weekend? I was STILL hungover Sun. Ah the rare 2 day hangover. When I was 23 I had alcohol poisoning (I assume, a fifth in 2 hrs) and had a 2 day hangover, but that was a TON of liquor, haven't drank liquor since. At 30 it takes 15 beers over a 9 or so hr time frame. WOW! So I went home from the Gfs house at about 6 pm. Got home and had to mow the parents lawn. The lawn is HUGE! it takes about an hr or so to do it, and in my current hating the earth state, I wasn't at all excited. Guess who is sore as shit today? THIS GUY! Sore from moving the lawn? It is a push mower put its self propelled, so its not like I had to push it around for and hr, I kinda just followed it. MAN...the oldness continues!
In good new the new season of Trueblood started, what a GREAT 1st episode! This shows rocks the house! can't wait for the rest of the season. OK folks, that's all for today! PEACE!!!!
I just started the book series that True Blood is based on. Do you own the DVDs? Perhaps I could borrow...
Nope I have HBO, not necessary
I don't have HBO but I'll catch True Blood online. Also...15 beers in NINE hours and you puked? You're THAT guy? I think the alcoholism gene that runs in my fam helps me out as far as NEVER puking...that and I stop way before I would puke. Speaking of my favorite subject, did you know that I puked all over Matt when we first started dating? New Years Eve at Aaron Garners...Capt. on ice, and vomit all over Matt's chest in bed. Niiiice ;) Little did I know he deserved SO much worse!
I read that True Blood is an allegory which automatically makes it more interesting to me. I haven't seen any episodes yet, though. Also, I drank one beer Saturday night (my first in about 2 years) and was super buzzed. How lame is that?
WOW Caitlin lol you are lamer than me! lol JK girl ;)
The rare 2-day hangover is the absolute worst! I've had a few of those, and yeah they suck when getting older. I have to remember I'm not 18 or 20 anymore lol. I used to drink ALOT when I was 17 - 19. Among other things lol I'm pretty good now though and don't drink much... but when I do whew... lol
Also - LOVE TRUE BLOOD's 1st episode this season too. Eric is so hot :P
He ate the shit outta that guy!
OOohhhhh I know it. You're making me ill just thinking about having a hangover! Lol!
I'm sick just thinking about your night!! I haven't had a night of drinking like that since we started trying for a baby. Ummm over a year. Actually, I take that back. I drank at my birthday (after a mc knew I wasn't pg... got pg that month, maybe then??). And I was drinking cactus cooler shots like it was going out of style. I puked the next morning. Ughhh... still not as bad as it had been in the past during my "drinkin days". The pathetic thing... I'm 24. I've peeked at 24. WTH!?
I'll never have to have a night like that. I can't drink on my meds!
I did a few nights ago, and oh dear god.
I was stumbling, slurring.
It was fantastic.
I only had a glass of wine.
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