Why Do I ride? It's a question I get a lot. It's something I don't really answer, It'd take too long, and many people don't understand it. I will break it down fro you folks!
I ride because it's my lively hood. I've been doing it since age 4, when my dad taught me how to ride a 2 wheeler. I've never been without at least one bike since then! I learned in the grass, in case I tipped over, I did a few times, it was easy! Even at that young age, I felt something on a bike I couldn't feel on a bicycle or in a car. It's a freedom I cant possibly explain. The wind in your hair, the crisp country air, (and not so crisp when you pass by some farms) It's a an obsession! It's the worlds best way to get rid of any issues on your mind! It clears my mind and feeds my soul! It makes me feel complete! if I have a bad day, I jump on the bike, find and obscure restaurant in a far away location, have a burger and a beer and just feel complete. The open road is something that you can only fully appreciate on a bike! It makes you feel like you are on top of the world. it makes you feel as if you are the only person on earth on that given moment. A motorcycle is my connection to nature. I get all the elements, all the smells, and I see the earth as it is meant to be seen, without a barrier between me and it. I get to experience my bike like I can experience nothing else I own. Its personal. Its custom made to my liking. It represents my personal tastes. It is my prized possession. Its the main thing in my life that lets the world know who I am. When I ride, I'm as complete as I can be! Its something I share w/ my family, w/ my girlfriend (Soon baby!) and with my friends! Its a camaraderie like no other. People who ride together share a unique friendship, They feel what I feel! They know everything I just wrote here! They do it too! Every time I ride I risk my life. To me it's 100% worth it! I've had a lot of training, and I take great pride in my riding skill. I take classes to learn proper technique, and I practice regularly in parking lots. I am a VERY safe rider. I got a lot to live for,and I got a lot of people that love me to keep happy! I've been in situations, and used my training, to avoid accidents that some other riders wouldn't of made it out of on two wheels. To me, The road is my playground, everyday is recess (in summer) and I cant wait for the weather to be warm all the time! I will hit the open road, and I will have another summer of adventure, excitement and romance with the open road. This is why I ride...
My dad/brother used to ride. But then my... dad/grandpa told him to stop.
God my life is confusing.
I've always been terrified of motorcycles.
Lee I bet if you got on a bike you'd love it!
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