Yes it is official! I am cooler than you now. Why you ask? because I got a Blackberry Storm. Yes my minions, bow down before me and kiss the toes of royalty! OK not really...But I am super stoked to have a phone that does "stuff" What "Stuff" you ask? well It has real Internet, which I LOVE because I am sort of Internet dependent. it has my email on the desktop so I can see when all the cool kids leave comments on my blog. It also is touch screen, but it has this new technology it feels like you are pushing down keys. Its VERY cool, and I have in the past HATED touch screens because I had no real idea if I was touching said keys or not. It also has a kick ass music music player, and unlike my Chocolate 2, it plays all the songs I have loaded onto the memory card! It took a minute to get used to the clicky touchscreen, but I am slowly getting the hang of it! See my old phone took a shit! For about 4 hrs yesterday I couldn't call out/receive calls, or send/receive texts. I call Verizon and try all these things, still nothing! So the guy on the phone (who was fantastic by the way, it's good to know that Verizon still believes in customer service!) said he could get me any phone at the 1 yr contract price. I told him I had Credit Card issues and didn't have one, so he called my local store, talked to a mgr there, set everything up, and got them to bill to my phone! I'M LIKE WOW! That's FANTASTIC! SO I am gonna have a GIANT phone bill in the $350 range this month, but I am VERY impressed w/ Verizon's customer service and the way the helped me resolve this problem! kudos!
Wowza! I am in complete agreement about Verizon! They just removed $500 in over usage fees for my wireless aircard. That rocked my socks off!
That is a spiffy piece of technology there! My husband is wanting a stupid iPhone..I told him to go find a sugar mama that will buy it for him because the family room is getting painted before he gets a new phone...(he just got a Blackberry 4 mos ago...)
Thanks for swinging by my blog!
a new minion....
My GF has an Iphone and its BAD ASS! Im a mac boy to the core tho! Paint Schmaint! lol
Those have been out for a while here in the UK. My friend has had her Storm since November. Congrats on the procurement.
I could not be more jealous. You suck. Really.
Ok I suck cause I don't have your phone.
That's more Like it Michelle! lol
I'm sooooo jealous! That is the exact phone I want!!!!! Argh!
And you officially gave me my freak out moment of the day....when I saw your comment on my blog from Bobby G I nearly died...my ex boyfriend is a Bobby G...yeah...glad you're not him!
Yaya! Welcome! And no, I'm actually the ONLY Bobby G! All other BG's PALE in comparison!
How cool! I want one! /drool
Can you drink a virtual glass of beer from your phone? My brother in law can apparently. (I think he has the same phone as you.) I wouldn't know 'cause I have a dated cell phone that I'm very happy with and refuse to give up. :o)~
Bobbie, no that's the iphone, but i can drink a REAL beer, while playin w/ my Blackberry Storm, and that's MUCH better! lol
I hate you.
I take comfort in the fact that in a month, something new will roll along that'll be better than your phone.
Then we'll both be losers again!
Just got myself a Storm today :)
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