The older commercials would show him looking straight on, into the camera. It was very uncomfortable as a viewer to see Richard Bernsteins googly eyes and he spoke about justice lol.
Well the new commercials are kinda mean. They have him looking up and from a side angle so as to not have the googly eyes be a focus.
Im like WOW DAD! Way to be proud of your disabled son, these commercials make it look like Sam is embarrassed of Richard. He is blind, he made it through law school, and now he fights for disabled people rights! I'm proud of your googly eyed ass Richard, Sam, you should follow suit.
If you'd like to tell him that, he eats at Cosi in Birmingham all the time. I'm sure you'd find him there. Last Thursday we had dinner at the table next to him.
He likes Apple Juice. Just sayin'.....
Apple Juice, NICE! lol
lol! I can't believe you wrote about this, wait, yes I can!
I thought the same thing about him and thought he just had strange eyes so I googled him and found out he was blind.
I have been upset with the "side view" for years! I think it's mean and it does seem like they are ashamed! I even said a couple years ago I would never use them because of that move!
I was really upset when I found out that Sam was just a Michigan man. It's tough facing such reality as a child...
Why are SO MANY Bernstein's making commercials?!
The googly eyes creep me out a little.
I'm just saying.
The xsi is what I want! I can't buy anything for another month or so when my student loans roll in. You paid about $750 for it new? What lens did you get with it?
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