I'm pretty sure I don't want kids. There was a time I did, I was married and it seemed like the next logical step. But now I have to start over. And a life w/ no children seems like a great fucking idea! I'm pretty sure I couldn't handle kids. Kids are coddled in this society, WAY to much so actually. Teachers give out the number to social services, so your kids can threaten you with that. Kids are giant smart asses now! Back in the day when I was being a smart ass, my mom would just beat my ass in Sears. It taught me to not be a smart ass (Ok obviously that didn't work, but I never did it in public lol) If a get gets spanked in Sears now, it' a fucking media event, and it's deemed child abuse. I think there is no way I could refrain from spanking my kids. It's the way I was raised, and the way I was disciplined. It was damned effective! If i see a woman (or a dad) spanking their kid in public, I fucking cheer them on, while everyone else looks with surprise & disgust. I Think George Carlin said it best, "Kids are just like everyone else, a few winners and a WHOLE BUNCH of losers" Nice work George! Now from this mini rant you may think I'm anti-kid. I love kids, just love them more when I can leave, or they go home. I will never have that situation in my life where i want to go out and can't find a sitter. I will never have to go on a trip w/ 2 screaming obnoxious kids in the car. The downside of course is that kids typically are the best thing to happen to someone. Everyone says that (who has kids) I want the experience. I wish all kids came out like 3 yrs old. They had a basic knowledge of language and could do rudimentary tasks like piss in a toilet, and get me beer. That'd suck for you ladies. Its bad enough when an 8 lb baby comes out, let alone a 40 lb toddler lol. but I digress...
I lost 1.6 lbs this week for a total of 6.2 lbs in two weeks. I feel great! Pants fit better and I have more energy! Good work weight watchers! I'm lucky as shit though because I had a bad food week. I went over points a few days and used more than my 35 pt bonus surplus, yet still lost! Ill take it!
I did a practice for a motorcycle skills competition I am gonna be in in May and i did it very well! I have a lot of confidence (OK I'm cocky as shit) when it comes to my riding ability, and at age 30, I have a great head start on the avg biker. Here is a pic of me knocking out the cone weave drill!

So it's getting increasingly harder to stay focused at work. Just knowing that work closes in 3 months isn't very uplifting or motivating.
So the house still hasn't sold (or had any offers) Talked to the Realtor today and he said ideally at $55K-$60K it'd sell, but currently the ass wipes at Country Wide Financial wont go below $84,900. we have an open house next Sun the 19. We shall see what happens then (fingers crossed)
We got around 3 inches of awful slush snow. I call it a slushterfuck. Its SUPER HEAVY and wet, its obnoxious as shit! It's been snowing all day, and we are in the end supposed to have 6-10 inches on the ground. This is BS. It's fucking April! The April showers people speak of aren't supposed to be frozen! I was on the Harley yesterday for god sakes!
OK folks enjoy your Monday, More tomorrow probably!
SNOW!? I sure am glad I'm only there in the summer...
Wow, I'm SO with you on the kids thing. I think I may just adopt a five year old. I like them when they're talking and walking and not in diapers. I'm missing the "I love babies" gene.
But becareful! a 5 yr old adopted may have a bunch of issues! lol
Just think of kids as really expensive pets that slowly learn to speak ;)
That word slushterfuck just made me choke on my soda.
Sorry to inform you, I asked around about a "Bobby Garrot" in a number of popular venues in Ace Deuce, Ypsi, even some Detroit suburbs like Plymouth and Novi.
Only one couple out of the many people I had asked had heard of you, and both said they heard you were a "big dooshbag", although only one had actually met you, and said you seemed "harmless enough".
Oh BG, not ALL kids are asswipes. I think it depends on how they are raised. Personally, I don't think I will be a "spanker", because I was never spanked, but if you raise them the "right" way, they could turn out very cool and well behaved. I know many awesome kids that behave and listen and are alot of fun to be around. Maybe you'll change your mind but it's always a good idea to let any lady you're with know how you feel...just in case she really wants kids (could make for a bad match-up). For the record, I think you'd be an awesome Dad! Also, I love George Carlin!
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