HA SUCKERS! I get a LONG ass weekend this week. My GF had the week off so I took Thursday & Friday off to hang with her! We are going thrift store shopping tomorrow! Love thrift stores! Mainly cause I love 70s style clothes! They fit me well and look QUITE GOOD on me! Id of been the MAN in the 70s! Id of been like Shaft! It's because "I'm a complicated man, and no one understands me but my woman!"
And yes you're welcome for that! So I forgot to tell you folks, I have an interview-ish tomorrow! WTF is that you ask? Well they told me to bring my design portfolio in, and they would check it out and see what they can do. My friends Tiff & Michelle work there, so I have a couple of ins! So I'm not sure if it's an interview or a charity, but I don't care either way! This place makes coloring books and the girls I know that work there say it's the shit and they love their jobs! Which is 100% more than I can say about here! This place has turned into the Green Mile, and we are all "Dead Men Walking" It's CRAZY hard to do your job to the best of your abilities, when you know in 3 months you are outta here!
So my Mom's tax guy has my taxes, on turbo Tax it said I had to pay $500, I hope to god that isn't right, and I fucked up, because I could use ANY Money I get! We shall see, stay tuned!
Living w/ the parents is starting to wear on me something FIERCE! But this damn house isn't selling! So BUY MY HOUSE
Ok folks, I may be a little lax on the blogging for the next few days, because I will be at the ladies! I may try to get a few posts in , but please don't be sad if I don't post comments! I still love you fuckers!
Goals Update: January Edition
5 weeks ago
Sooo....November boy...didn't think I'd be leavin' the comment love for ya..huh......
Well, I hijacked my mother's computer and decided to hit a few bloggy buddies...I come over here and find out you're gonna be thrift store shopping???? Good golly, if my husband wanted to do that, I'd give him sex 24/7! Tell your GF that she is one lucky ducky!
I love your blog, by the way...
Have a fabulous weekend with the girlfriend!
I must say I'm Impressed bee. Ill make sure she knows ur views lol
Good luck at your interview!!!
Eek...owe $500? Yikes!
My other blog is www.hulassecrets.blogspot.com
it's where I complain about my in-laws....
Just something for you to rhink about. If you need any money you can get, and you are losing your job in 3 months, why did you buy a new phone that, despite the cost of the phone, is an extra 45 to 50 dollars a month in addition to the phone plan. Also, didn't you also recently buy a fairly expensive camera? Then you are also going thrift store shopping? Don't get me wrong, the idea that, it is thrift store shopping usually equates to being inexpensive, but it seems like you shouldn't be spending any extra money at all. You should save it. Just a thought.
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