They were SUPER POPULAR So of course I didn't have any (Until they weren't popular anymore of course!) Every one in Scarlett Middle School in Ann Arbor (represent) was rockin these shits! In retrospect they looked RIDICULOUS! Oh and they cost $60+ dollars! WTF? who is gonna pay $60 for PJ pants! Well, lots of people! They have become kind of a collectors item too it seems, these pants below

sell for like $250 in Japan! WOW! I wish I had a pair now, they'd be PERFECT for lounging around the house! Anyone have pair? I had the white & checkered black ones! WORD!
Those pants were awful. How bout the ones that back then that came in the horrible blue tiger print! UGH!
LOL!! Everyone at East Middle School had a pair too! And then there was "Cross Colors".
LOL I remember the trend and MC Hammer... lol too funny.
This is when I wish I related to that flashback. : ( All I can say is... sometimes my pants are baggy?
Skidz...I forgot about those! What about "Units", the women's clothing store where you could buy a belt that could also triple as a skirt and tube top? And of course Girbaud Jeans (WAY too expensive for me).
OMG i love that you posted this. I used to love my skids.... I was also BIG into cross colors. Our generation had the weirdest/craziest fashion trends...LOVE IT.
Full House was the best!
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