After studying this guy, I'm pretty sure he is a mannequin, I've never seen someone so Pasty, and I'm MICHIGAN White. Im convinced that ladies love his character, and NOT ACTUALLY HIM. He plays a sweet loving vampire, in real life hes probably nothing like his character, though he ALWAYS looks like a vampire. I'm secure in my sexuality, despite my gay ass walk, and if he was good looking I'd say so. If Robert worked at McDonalds, he'd be that pasty ass guy workin the fries, though he'd probably be the sexiest guy at that McDonalds. He has hair like a Ken Doll, as in I'm pretty sure it wont move, EVER. He looks like he should be a member of the Cure. He looks sad and possibly depressed. I seriously sound like a hater right now, I'm not trying to shit on the guy because he's rich and I'm not close lol, but seriously ladies, WHAT IS IT?
couldn't tell you what the obsession is...I'm not. I haven't seen the movie nor read any of the books. I can say that it is probably his character mostly...I am obsessed with Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights (Taylor Kitsch), and I like his character because he is a troubled alcoholic, much like every guy I have ever dated before I wised up and started dating Sean, who is not an alcoholic :)
tom me tim Riggins will always be the dude who fucked his best friend's GF while he was in the hospital paralyzed...ASSHOLE
I have no flippen clue Bobby. But if you've met Aaron you know I'm not a fan of fair skinned boys. I think Obama is way hotter than that little dbag!
I have no idea either! I have not seen the movie, but I just don't get it. If I saw him at Stix (and was single) I would probably flirt with him...I know....that is not really saying much...
But he would by no means be the hottest guy I ever met...or even close.
No, you actually do understand. It's the character we love, not the man himself.
I dunno he is hot, but I am not all drooly and hot and bothered over him. Though that might change in person, just sayin.
Cold shower!
'Nuff said.
You hit the nail on the head! It is the character of Edward Cullen..
Actually his GQ layout was pretty smokin...but in the movie his lips looked kool aid stained...ugh...
women generally are stupid herd minded lemmings.
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