Thats How I roll today!
No sleep, karaoke and beers, OH MY!
Dear McDonald's
Thanks for mcskillet burritos. Those awesome shits keep me goin in the morning!!!
Mcskillety yours,
Dear A2 News,
Thanks for $3000. That was the LEAST you could do!
Love BG
Dear Beard
I love your manliness but hate your beard zits! Stop it!
My ziznits are the shiznit-ly yours
Dear Charcarron, thanks for the funniest video EVER!!!
LMAO-ly yours
Dear new apt! Cant wait to move into you! But I REALLY HATE MOVING!
Dear Detroit Tigers,
Great trade for Washburn today! Keep it up!
Who's Your tiger-ly yours
Dear Mother nature,
I got a pool now, please give me a few hot days so i can use it!
Pool-ly yours
Dear Kids,
65 degrees is too cold to swim, and dont splash so much & scream so much fuckers,
Does BG have to choke a kid-ly yours
Moving this weekend!!!! Cant wait! Tell you all about it w/ pics and shit next week!

You should drink AND move at the same time. And get sloppy. And then take pics.
I already dared you to do so on my blog. Hehe.
OMGawd LMFAO@this entire post!
I think Pwn Star has a fabulous idea...oh yeah...
Good luck with your move! I want a full play by play next week!
You have the BEST Dear So and So EVER!
Every week, you just keep bringin' it. The way you sign these kills me!
I've never had a McSkillet burrito.
Don't think I will either.
And you know what? I don't even have a beard, and I get zits.
Maybe if I grow a beard, I'll get the opposite effect.
HahA! Love your letters! Yay for money & yay for moving & yay for a pool!
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