Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Loved these guys! In the early 90s TMNT were EVERYWHERE!!!!! I had tons of toys! I had a ghetto Halloween costume of Donatello (seriously it was bad, a green jacket and purple mask made of ribbon w/ shiesty eye holes cut out) And i used to beat the shit out of my tire swing w/ a broom handle, (HEY I couldn't afford a Bo Staff) Donatello was my fav, kind of a dork (like me) but he could womp ass. Here is the crew below!

There were also a couple of movies. The first was an origin flick, and the 2nd was ridiculous, complete w/ vanilla Ice!
Yes Its actually THAT BAD! TMNT were a fun part of my childhood! Donatello was the man! Turtle Power!

Now for:

Holla at The Un-Mom for the fun button! You WONT be sorry!
Boom Shock Locka Now here Comes the Chief Rocka!
Why do people talk to animals and babies like fuckin retards? They get all squeaky and ridonk! Its so funny to watch cause no one knows they do it...
The new job rocks! time goes so fast because we are SO busy. I also got that interview tomorrow!!!! YAY!!!!
Still stoked about the house OBVIOUSLY! The apartment move in is set for Sept 1! I cant wait! Also gettin a severance from the news! Should take home about $3000 or so! Payin off a CC and saving LOT OF IT!!! Its gonna be nice to have a "bank"
I need a haircut, I HATE HAIRCUTS! My neck gets all itchy and the stylist always tries to talk to you and shit...grrrrrrr
THANK GOD Art Fair is done, see ya next year asshole!!!!!
Jerry Seinfeld, "Grape nuts, no grapes, no nuts, whats the deal?":
Where the FUCK is summer? Don't get me wrong I LOVE not sweating my balls off, but I mean it needs to be warm SOME DAY (not this weekend please, going to see Incubus outside, thatd be great, thanks!)
I'm seriously considering getting a dog, I'm in LOVE with this one
She was born partially blind, and her owners left her in a garbage can to die. She was found when someone heard her crying. People are ASSHOLES! Seriously anyone who could ever hurt an animal on purpose needs a molten hot baseball bat shoved up their ass fuckin pieces of shit...DOGS are a HUGE responsibility, but this one likes cats (Cant let kiddao go) and has all shots and is up to date w/ vet checks. Also she is spayed already. She also already potty trained. $150 is the fee the rescue company charges. Here is a list of digs this company has avail If you are interested in adopting a pitbull check out the site! Help my buddy Noah out!
Ok folks, interview tomorrow, 2 jobs too, might not get a post in! Ill check you all later!!!!

My black cat, Baggins, was the only one still alive when the trash men picked up the bag of dead kitties. So sad and mean.
Get the dog!!! He is precious.
Oh and ... any turtle men left? or did you mom trash them all??
First off, are you f-ing kidding me with the Ice video?! Robert VanWinkle...yummmy...he's still pretty hot, he was on one of those rehab shows or something. Also, I KNOW damn well you talk to Harley like that! Don't even deny it BG!
Lastly, I LOVE the art fair send off..you called him an asshole.
Check out Channel 4 website to vote for Courtney and Cake Nouveau...WDIV Click on Detroit I think...
GL on the interview! :) I remember TMNT but wasn't too into them myself but I remember the boys were hehe
Yay for interviews!! You've gotta get that dog. :( I want to adopt every dog I see. Every time the ASPCA commercial with Sara McLachlan comes on I cry & cry. Ugh. People.
Omg caitlin me too. I change that shit.
awww....that story about the dog makes me so sad. I'm such a sucker for animals. I try to donate to a local dog shelter whenever I can.
My eyes are bleeding from the Vanilla Ice clip- thank you. I'm going to go curl up in the fetal position in a dark room now.
I hope you get that job tomorrow!
I didn't know Vanilla Ice had fame long lasting enough to be in a film. I ignored those TMNT years as best I could.
I hope you get the job!
I still fucking sing the teenage mutant ninja turtles song. It's ridiculous.
That poor dog. You should totally get it!!!!!!
Jerry Seinfeld is brilliant.
Severance kicks ass.
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