What are the ingredients for Zombie Friday you ask? Take a 12+ hr workday, sprinkle in some karaoke, and mix w/ a shit ton of beer! Also the MAIN ingredient is a HARDCORE lack of sleep! 5 hrs to be exact, then and ONLY then will you get Bobby G, Zombied the fuck out!
Check out www.annarbor.com Its the proverbial FRUIT of my fuckin labor! Las night the site went live at about 8 p.m. it was NUTS! SO BUSY! A 12 hr+ workday! Super Stressful! But really fun, and very gratifying.
The Ann Arbor news closed yesterday. 174 years it was here! Now we move on to the new chapter of news in ANN ARBOR. I'm stoked to be a aprt of something so groundbreaking, and so cool!
Now its letter time!!!!

Dear Quiznos,
Thanks for making delicious subs, you helped my hangover immensely,
Recovering-ly yours
Dear Body,
Sorry bout last night, getting you drunk after working 12+ hrs wasn't a great idea, HOWEVER, I cant promise it wont happen again.
begrudgingly yours,
Dear ladies around the earth,
Thanks for wearing skirts!
Love as always ,
Dear bums,
I will now be asking you for change,
Penny pinchingly yours
Dear Craigslist Scammers,
I'm not taking a check or money order for SHIT!!!!
Dear McDonald's employee this morning,
Sigh...I know you hate your job, but me asking for ketchup in the drive through COULDNT'VE Ruined your day as much as it seemed. Hashbrowns are more delicious w/ Ketchup,
Tomato-ly yours
Dear loyal readers,
I HAVE BEN SLACKING!!!!!! I will get back to your blogs as SOON as work slows, it used to be i did all my blogging at work, now new job is TOO damn busy. we are trying to fuckin figure out how to start a company FROM SCRATCH! You know all those policies your work has? Ours are being made, which means CONSTANT CRAZINESS!!!! I know you all understand! Love you all so!
OK folks, I wont be posting this weekend as usual, see you next week!

You're welcome.
-on behalf of all ladies
I hate when people at McDonalds get pissy.
One time I asked for barbecue sauce for my fucking mcnuggets, and she made me hand her extra money for it.
Uh, HELLO? McNuggets are SUPPOSED TO come with sauce. You can't charge me EXTRA for it. What is wrong with you?!
Glad work is keeping you busy!
The Ann Arbor news closing made national news last night and I saw some chic named Jo talking. I said hey I bet Bobby G knows her!
Very cool! Congrats on the site being up and live!
I couldn't believe when I saw the Ann Arbor paper hit national news. That's big time and you were a part of it!
Who in their right mind would take a check or money order for a Craigs List sale? That's ridiculous!
Bobby G...congrats on your new venture!
I'm dealing with the same crap email scammers from Craigslist too...Yeah, I'll take a freakin' money order for my jacuzzi....losers....
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