Usually I use the Monday blog to recap my weekend. But since today is my last day at the Ann Arbor News, i decided to look back on my almost 8 years here.
Here is a weekend recap, the short version, baseball. Drunk. Hungover. there, lol.
I started at the Ann Arbor News in the production dept on October 10, 2001. September 11 was just a month old and all industries were in turmoil. The ads were coming in a plenty and business was booming. It was typical to have over 45 pages of classifieds on a Sunday, now there are less than 10. Everything changed, the economy took a shit so ads weren't coming in, couple that w/ the crazy cost of newsprint paper (raised over 400% since 2003) it was a recipe for disaster.
Pre-press was a good time, but unfortunately it would never be full time so I switched to classifieds in Feb of 2006. I got FT, free parking and FREE medical & DENTAL for the duration of my time here. That was nice, never had to pay for insurance since I was FT. While I never really liked the job, it paid well and i got the opportunity to hone my customer service skills.
In March we attended a meeting that said We'd be closing, that means I've had to work at a job for four months that I knew wouldn't be there. It was pretty damn hard to stay motivated. I really have been just going through the motions. Doing enough to NOT get fired, but I have seriously had some lapses in focus and at times, even in judgement, but now its time to move on.
When I got to the news I was 22, cocky, and ready to take the world buy the horns, I worked 1-9, which was essentially a get drunk free card, as I could go to bed at 4 and STILL get 8 hrs of sleep before work, it was a good time, but kinda hard on the liver, lol. I grew up a lot here. Had a blast, and got some work done, I am very much looking forward to my jew job.
I've met SO many great people here. I have made friends that I will keep in touch with I think forever. Also many of my colleagues will be working with me at my new job! www.Annarbor.com is the new paper here! Its printing Thurs & Sun w/ online content updated daily. I'm very excited to be a part of something from the start. We are the first market to try this newspaper business model. the business itself is GREAT! 7th floor office w/ a balcony that overlooks the whole city. It's BREATHTAKING!!!! We can wear jeans, there is no "dress code" it's all very exciting, but kind of scary too. I'm looking forward to my new position, and new career, but at the same time, the News has been good to me. I certainly will miss it.

Wow! It is incredible that you have a new opportunity starting just as the old one is ending. You are very lucky especially since you are actually looking forward to the new job.
Wearing jeans and shorts to work everyday is the best thing about owning our own business. You are my hero. You get to enjoy no dress code and know your going to get paid on payday instead of when your clients feel like it!
I'm really glad that you were able to find another job. So many are not that fortunate. I hope this new model paper takes off. I know the industry as a whole will never be the same again.
And, Ann Arbor is such a cool town.
wishing you lots of luck and hangover free days!
Good for you that you bounced into something new and exciting right away. I have to get off my ass and start looking now.
It's so great that you have a new job now. I hope it all works out for you!
And it sounds like you had a great 8 years, and hopefully your new job is just as great.
It is great that you got a job with the new one ending. It is sad to leave it, but I see that you will be moving on and up with life. :)
that doesn't sound like a bad gig huh? it is exciting!! it just sucks that the economy claimed the A2 News as a victim, I was in shock when you first told us. on to bigger and better things right??
My husband gets to wear tshirts/jeans everyday. He loves it. I hope your new adventure is successful!!!
that sounds incredible! I feel like all things happen for a reason, and now you are moving into a cool, cool opportunity!
I can't wait to hear how it goes!
OMG that Zombie totally freaks me out.
The Ann Arbor News is such a staple, I'm so sad that it's gone now. But I'm happy you have a new opportunity!
Good luck at your new job!
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