So yesterday I was feeling better and my boss had a karaoke show like 3 blocks from where I live, so I decided to go check it out, get a beer and sing a song, and chill for a few hours. I order a big Miller Lite (on special) and get a seat next to my karaoke boss, and chat it up with him, took 1 sip of beer and my stomach went ape shit. I was like OK, so I take another and I'm like I can't drink this, Stoo said whats wrong? I said Must be the meds from wisdom teeth and stuff, so I got it taken off my tab. The next thing I decided to do was sing a song! I chose Plush by Stone Temple Pilots.
The first minute of so was good, but then every time I said ANY WORD w/ an "F" Unbearable PAIN! So I was trying to belt it out for the crowd but I couldn't, I get through the song (amazingly) and go to sit down and my mouth is THROBBING! I'm like FUCK, so I chill for about 35 mins more and have to leave. EPIC FAIL BG, EPIC FAIL
I'm writing a new profile because my life is well...NEW!!!! I'm 31, older, wiser, broker, and have learned a ton of things about life and love. I was married for a almost comical 11 months, got divorced! I have a bad ass Harley and a CAST OF Characters that would rival an WWII epic film!I just started 2 new jobs, and am trying to balance all the new excitement, but I am typically in a good mood! I enjoy riding the Harley, hitting bars, chillin w/ friends, and mainly just being a cool fuckin guy! So sit back, have a beer, eat some chits, and ENJOY! I promise guys, this is a G-Spot that anyone can find!
I hope your doing better today!!! Ouch!!!
Put Harley under your profile on the side!!
What a shame, you couldn't even drop the F-bomb without making your mouth hurt even more. *sigh*
you have to remember BG that you are NOT 21 anymore! Sucks big balls doesn't it? Hope you're better today bro!
Damn, that sucks. You need to take it easy until you heal!
sunshine you need better drugs.
i would suggest swishing whisky around in your sockets chased down by a couple tylenol #3's.
YOUCH, hope you feel better soon!
I'll drop the F-bomb for you until you feel better. Its my fave word ;)
Damn wisdom teeth! Uck, I'm sorry- that shit just hurts. Feel better soon!
You poor baby! Do you have dry socket from the wisdom teeth??? That is ridiculously painful!
Rough moment at the Karaoke bar huh?! Sucks.On the upside.. I dig the album CORE.. now an forever.
Hey stop by Splitting Tens sometime and check it out. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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