So Instead of just saying I'm a Zombie from knocking out karaoke, I'm just going to have you assume that I am in fact a Zombie, and that Zombie Friday is now the name of my random fragment post for Friday Dopeassness (that's for you Bee!). Deal? Cool....
Today is sucking ass I'm tired as balls! I bet your wondering how tired are balls, well if were hanging all day long with no where to put your feet, how tired will you be?
Tomorrow I got to get up at the fucking ASS CRACK of dawn literally 5:30 and ride the Harley to a motorcycle competition! It's a riding skills competition and its gonna be fun times, I'll prob be the youngest guy there at age 30, but I'll show those fuckers a thing or two.
On the way home from karaoke last night, at about 1:30, I came onto a fucking sea of police cars and ambulances, it was like NOTHING i have ever seen! There was a car that was JUST FUCKED it was eerie as shit, cause I knew someone died, and that's NOT a good feeling. I was right.
I wish I was cashed out in my queen sized bed w/ pillow top mattress. Thatd be DOPE! Instead I'm at work...grrr.....
Speaking of work, tomorrow or today I should find out how much money i'll get for my severance. The last day of the Ann Arbor News is July 23. that blows...
So 1st it was Explorer that I couldn't post w my blog w/ the pic icon, then it was Firefox, So now I have switched to Google Chrome Browser. ITS BAD ASS! Plus it allows me to post to my beloved blog! So you guys win too! YAY! Here is the VIDEO CHROME, by Trace Adkins, word.
Getting drinks w/ the lady after work, since I have NO CHOICE but to be old, due to my early ass morning, I gotta get my drinks in early! It IS FRIDAY after all! Friday is for drinks, and Saturday, and even Sunday sometimes... Word...
Has anyone ever lost their job and knew it was coming? Seriously, it's hard as SHIT to be motivated...I'm basically just going through the motions!
This is my desk, can you tell I've given up?

I'm PISSED I forgot my soup today. That means instead of tasty soup I'm stuck w/ a sandwich, pretzels and cheese....GRRRRR
So it turns out, by some RANDOM FUCKING FATE, that YaYa likes Male Bloggers, I lucked out because I happen to like Ya Ya bloggers, there are WAY more male bloggers then YaYa, I'm fortunate...
It WAY easier to blog when your works Internet connection doesn't SUCK ASS....
I should be done with this post, but rambling on is FUN!
A guy just placed an ad for an old truck, he said Runs like Obama, looks like McCain, HILARIOUS!
Twitter is Gay, why do I use it...
That feels better! Sometimes I just gotta let that out!
So back when I was single, I used to hit on the ladies! A LOT! Being Bobby G and all, in all my royal doucheness I would introduce myself as Bobby G. Inevitably they'd say "what does the G stand for" now the answer would depend on my level of drunkassness. when properly liquored up, I' d say something like this. "Gonna-buy-you-a-drink-and-get-your-number-I'm-gonna-take-you-home-and-do-what-you-want-me-to-then-we-will-get-breakfast-in-the-morning, its hyphenated! Never worked really...
I'm not A D D, OK I've never been diagnosed, but i am, shit! anyone got some Attarol? Love you guys! See ya MONDAY!
How did you get the picture of my exboyfriend?
We are friends! lol "He was all, hey ex's name is Bobbi" But I thought he was talking about a dude, so i called him gay, then he explained, it's all good now! LMFAO
Ok...you are the reason I love blogstalking...I LOVE this post! As usual, I am in a happy place because I came to get my daily dose of Bobby G. (yeah, I know I miss ya on some days, but I always play catch up when I get here! I have to educate the wee ones until today! Last day of school here!! Woo hoo!)
I am a HUGE fan of Zombie Fragmented Brains Friday! First of all, we love Zombies at our house. (Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, blah blah blah...)
Dopeassness is added to my dictionary fo' shizzle...now why in the heck did you have to use the whole "ass crack of dawn" analogy???? (you know my "real" name is Dawn, right????) I love you, Bobby G with my whole heart, but I don't want you up my ass crack...just sayin...
That completely sucks about the car wreck...I do, however, find it fascinating that you posted about it in your "zombie" post....hmmm...
It's a gigantic bummer that our nation's newspapers are going into the dumper. Just completely makes me sad. I still say you should be a comedy writer with your dopeassness and all. For realz...do it!
Have a fantastic weekend at the bike competition! That rocks! Can't wait to hear all about it!
See bee, when you DO post you post! I meant NO offense to your ass crack by the way, OK maybe a little.
So it wasn't just me that snickered at the ass crack of dawn comment because I did think of Bee??
I swear I have serious brain gas issues... I totally brain farted what I wanted to say.
Other than please dont ever think a woman should just plop her ass down on a public toilet seat. think of the whorebag who sat there first and has skeevey things crawling around. if i sit down after she does i could have those skeevey things on me! and well... if i'm gonna get something it better be because i'm the whorebag not because i was just a lazy bitch and couldn't cover the toilet seat or hoover like a normal person should.
LOL thanks for the Bees comment on my post love, however, few things live long on a toilet seat. Even crabs and shit! So pee free girl!
See ya MONDAY?!
BobbyG, you must get your priorities straight, dear. Blogging is #1 (because of me). Motorcycle events are #2.
You get a thumbs-DOWN!
That reminds me of when I was driving with my mom to Tennessee. We saw this crash, and there was a sheet over someone in the road, and a sheet in the driver's seat.
It was brutal. I still have nightmares about it.
Have fun at the motorcycle competition tomorrow! That will be fun stuff. Great post and loved the rambling too :)
Lol!! SEE?? Aren't random posts FUN!?
Have fun at the competition.
My weekend sucks too. It's one of my weekends where both Job #2 and Job #3 fall together. Blah.
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