THANK GOD ITS ALMOST OVER! This season has been a nightmare. Now Adam Lambert is a good singer, but a total freakshow, he will do well regardless. Kris Allen is a broke ass Jack Johnson, without the guitar skills. And so now its come down to this. I feel like Adam has to win, hes TONS better than Kris, but Kris has the ladies vote (Adam has the gay men's vote lol) But overall based on talent its a runaway. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the biggest ass whoopin in AI history. Now whats with the 2 hr finale? everyone ON EARTH is gonna be there singing, plugging their shit and we all just wanna see who wins. Last night they had 3 songs. Their best performance of the season (read repeat) A song chose by the creator Simon Fuller, and a song Written by Kara Dioguardi. Also known as the WORST SONG EVER!!!!! Don't believe me? Here it is below!
TOLD YOU! and what was up w/ Paula last night? she was practically orange, with a lime green shirt, and probably drunk! Why do the producers at AI even let her talk. She should just hold up a sign and say Yay or Nay! She's a mess. While we are on fashion patrol, Randy Jacksons Suit, REALLY? it was RIDONK! It was like blue plaid, did he hit the thrift store before hand? This is the AI finale! Not some auditon or even Hollywood week! I hope to GOD that Kara is gone next season. She is TERRIBLE! Plus with that song she wrote, WOW! DONE! OK short, lame post today, but there are many exciting things on the horizon! Talk to you all soon!

Please tell me that song is not going to be the first single? Oh Adam...you are destined to be the next Ruben Studdard with that shit song.
yeah it is! PISS POOR!
I agree with every single thing you said.
Yeah, I can't watch this show. It hurts my very soul. Both of these guys look like morons. I'm sure they're very talented and gay and all, but um....no thanks.
Good luck with your Emergency Fund and your Debt Snowball! We can be makeover buddies!
For Sure Cat!
*ducks* I actually like Kris!
I cannot stand Adam. Totally despise. Ick. Gag... etc etc etc. For seriously.
Oh and love the new siggy!!
Tracy while I disagree I still love you. Mainly thanks to the sig love lol
Nice signature baby! I only have one thing to say: I HATE ADAM. HE DOES NOT SING, HE SCREAMS! I don't think he has an ounce of talent...not an ounce, period. Of course I guess I'm crazy because people go nuts over this guy. I wanted Danny to be honest although he sounds pretty generic. I think next season I will watch the beginning, when all of the real freaks are on and then dump it...annoying, you're right.
You see, this is exactly why I don't watch American Idol anymore.
I stopped after Katharine McPhee lost to Taylor whatever.
Kat was my girl from the start, and she lost to HIM?
He was nothing!
i want to punch adam in the face.
1994 called, and it wants it's blackeyeliner back. and it's trench coat.
I hate that damn show.
Yup, I didn't even get into this season.
That song royally sucked. It hurt my ears...I should sue AI for my ear trauma not to mention the emotional abuse endured by watching Paula act all weird....
Paulas Orange ass keeps me sane! lol
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