Job 2 was GREAT last night. Made $65 (last week I made $75 the whole week) and it was great. I was tired as shit however, due to my 7am to 10pm day. Also the fact that I was UP early as shit (5:30am) cause I had to go in for obits. I got home went upstairs, wasn't SHIT on, so I ate some chits (word) and went to bed at 10:30. Didn't have to get up until 7:45, I SLEPT GREAT! it was AMAZING! I feel so refreshed and rejuvenated! What a great day! (Cheeriness, I know what happened to the REAL Bobby G)
So Now this is where the blog post gets shitty, literally. (I don't fuck up the use of the word literally. People are all like "That was so funny I literally shit my pants" I'M like no you didn' I have IBS it stands for I Basically Shit (Ok it stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome) But I basically shit. Up to 10 times a day (I KNOW) its very obnoxious, but besides that it affects my life typically in an adverse way. I have become used to it however. I know that when I eat ill probably have to shit soon. I'm terrified of being on a boat (No bathroom for a long time) Also I have NO fear of public restroom shitting, because I CANT! Sometimes there is NO CHOICE. Ive become VERY good at holding it lol. Not good I know, but MUCH better than the alternative! There are 2 types of IBS. The I shit all the time kind, and the I never shit ever kind. Mine used to be kind of a hybrid of both. Shit all the time in the AM, NEVER SHIT in the PM. But now its just the one kind (is that better?) The bitch of it is there is NOTHING they can do. They can prescribe anti depressants, but the side effects on those things are nuts, and I cant drink alcohol so FUCK THAT lol. PS alcohol is one of the triggers, I typically ignore that one lol, there is a new medicine I got that's supposed to help, but it makes it AWFUL for like a week. Which if I'M at work could be an issue, so I'm waiting for a vacation. Basically I just learned to live with it. Ive missed weddings, vacations and great times because of it, but since I got it under control I can basically predict when ill have to shit, and make it happen. This is PROBABLY WAY MORE INFO than you EVER wanted to know about me, but now ya know! PS I Said SHIT 10 times in this post, that strangely NOT a record lol
Goals Update: January Edition
5 weeks ago
Yay for the job being good last night. Boo for the IBS, that really sucks :(
It doesn't suck, it blows.
Wow, thanks for the TMI FYI. Love it. My kind of thing.
I'm sorry you have IBS. My dad has that, and it affects ME too. Because he comes over, destroys my toilet, and leaves ME to clean it.
Ugh. Just thinking about it is nasty.
Holy crap! My sister was just diagnosed with IBS a week ago...she has the "never ever" shit kind....She was totally bummed about the whole ordeal...She has threatened my life if I go public with the details on my blog...
Hooray for the good night vibes! Boo to the poo!
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