In a little mini segment of TMT, my GF called me a Gay Wad yesterday, I haven't heard that shit in YEARS, so I told her I'd add it to the blog!
On the way to work today there was this car (sigh) and on said car was about 10 Jesus related bumper stickers. The best thing though was the license plate, it read "Died4u" I was like WTF?
Ill never forget the day I realized I had an ass. It happened seemingly overnight. I was taking a shower and when i got out I happened to notice the beast protruding off my back. I was like WTF? Where'd that come from. Well apparently my pants ALSO didn't notice cause that week I killed like 4 pairs. It was NUTS! I didn't even want to wear pants for fear of destruction! I couldn't bend over, couldn't stretch, NOTHING, or my apparently fragile pants would crumble under the pressure. Having an ass has its perks though! My pants stay up, I get my ass smacked A LOT by the ladies! Better cushioning in the event of a fall, or a long Harley Ride. Having an ass is great, I just hope I don't have a man FUPA someday. (Fat Upper Penis Area) Its like a bubbly lump over my junk,its filled with fat and its AWFUL see below:

Its more prominent in ladies though, so a man FUPA is the WORST! Dont forget to weigh in on these topics in the comment section!
I loved my NES! I was awesome at the Duck Hunt game too hehe
Yet another word to add to my repetoire...man FUPA...LOL!!!! and totally gross by the way!
You know, the tweens of the world go nuts over this old school stuff! It's hard to find, but they love it!
Bee, its because fun is fun, regardless!
I once saw a license plate that read: GSUSSVS. It applies to both of your blog topics, actually.
In my girlie circles we call the lady version of the FUPA a UTERUS LEDGE, defined as a fat roll which begins to encroach on your lady parts :)
You left our Duck Hunt, my fav NES game ever!!!
I didn't have a NES :( We were under-privileged kids so the only time I got to play it was at my cousins and I specifically remember the game issues, we used to lodge something in the cartridge space to hold the games down so it would work without that flashing screen. The first game system I bought was 3 years ago (PS2)! Also, the fat roll you speak of is technically called an "apron". They actually have to tape that stuff back during surgeries...along with Uterine Ledges and extremely floppy breasts...hopefully they never have to tape your ass back! LOL.
Well if ANYONE can tape my ass back girl, id want it to be you!
Lol, fupa.
I remember the NES. I used to play it at my friend's house. You can't beat the classics, man. I still play Megaman with my boyfriend on my Wii.
I need to find an NES or Super NES so I can get my Super Mario on.
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