Hell yeah! it was the early 1980's I was a lower case G, and I needed a dope way to roll around, didn't yet have the coordination to ride a bicycle, and wasn't yet tall enough for a tricycle, so enter the BIG WHEEL! This 3 wheeled marvel was the ultimate in child transportation. Adjustable seat for kids of all sizes, OK, two... mine was a Dukes of Hazard one, Like the one below (that isn't me on there)

Note the hand brake on the side that lets you do top notch spinouts! We rolled strong!
This brings me to the Dentissues, OK, I'm not proud to say this, but I haven't been to the dentist in 7 years. The first 5 years was because I didn't have insurance, the next 2 years were well, laziness. My dentist was in Dexter(not anymore, about 25 mins away) and I hated going there. I went once a month for 5 years when I had braces and I was dentisted out. That being said it was STUPID. How stupid you ask? How about 6 cavities, 2 wisdom teeth need to be removed and a root canal. all this before July 23 when my insurance runs out. GREAT! The good news is my gums are strong, because I floss twice a day, but my teeth have mad holes in them. I have to get a prescription tooth paste (I'm not bullshitting, they have those) so that'll be fun! Sheesh, Note to self, go to the dentist, it'll avoid you MAD issues in the future! So tomorrow, Ill be back w/ a post, but Thursday I have to go to a police riding class! It teaches you the techniques to ride with precision, I'M STOKED! So prob no Post Thurs and Fri I have off to get ready for my garage sale, So I may be MIA for a bit! Full report on the class soon! Peace Bitches!!!!!!!
I loved Big Wheels as well but the tires always spun out on concrete when I tried to go fast starting out. I need to go to the dentist as well and am not looking forward to it as it has been at least 10 years since I've been. And, my gums are shit....
Oh, I got the signature from livejournal I believe. I googled: signatures for blogger. Easy!
Ow ow ow ow ow root canal.
I can't stand the thought of that.
I got to the dentist for my annual check ups, and he says I have great teeth!
Tisk tisk Bobby. You had it coming!
But I'm sorry it'll be sucky. Ulch.
...and I love you cause you referred to your childhood self as a lower case G
*sighs and turns up the Montel Jordan*
Feel you on that. I had the same thing happen once I got insurance again. The prescription toothpaste isn't bad at all though. I prefer it to the regular stuff now.
I love love loved my big wheel. Mine was pink. I was pretty bad ass. Still am. hahahhaa!!!
Shame on you for not going to the dentist. I dont have pity for you... nope. None. Why you ask? How can I be so mean and heartless? Easy you see... I go every 6 months. I hate it. I hate going. I hate the cleanings, I hate everything about a dentist. But I go. And I'm the mean wife who makes her husband go too. I'm sure he'll thank me one day. Just not anytime soon! hahahaa
Big Wheels = Big Pimpin' 80's style. Of course, in tune with my accident prone self, I had one of my entire fingernails ripped off from a Big Wheels accident when I was 5. Maybe that was the start of it all??
LOVE the Big Wheel when I was a wee girl in the 70's....I love to go super fast and then yank the brake...must be the race car driver blood in my family....
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