Friday I hit a happy hour w/ my friend KH, my friends E-Freds and my GF. Had some beers, and some DOPE ass $5 nachos! (Yeah Fiesta Fridays) Twas delicious! Had to cash out early to get my ass up at 5:30am, yes THAT 5:30, still cold, dew on the ground, mild fog, etc. I hit the hay at about 10:00 pm, which got me thinking, when was the last time I went to bed on a Friday when I wasn't sick? I guessed probably not since drinking age 9 yrs ago, yeah its pretty ridonk! lol
Sat got my ASS UP and had to go to a motorcycle skills competition, I am awaiting some pics from my esteemed colleagues for a full blog post on that, but here is a teaser Pic where I'm running shit!

I get back from the challenge and decided to eat my WEIGHT in Chillis fajitas, they were GREAT! Then at about 8 or so, went to my GFs house and we hit a little bar called baileys, got a few drinks and went to bed!
I decided I'm gonna grow a beard for a bit, mainly I'm tired of shaving, plus the Redwings are runnin shit in the playoffs which is a great thing so why not?
Sunday I get up and head over to a bike parts sale at a friends house. Her hubby died on a trip (not from an accident, but from a heart attack at the hotel) and she was selling a bunch of parts she had. I didn't buy anything but there was a nice ladies leather jacket there, hmmmmm my GF needs a jacket! After I get back she decides to blow off her parents Sunday dinner and go on a bike ride with me! it was VERY therapeutic and she said that as soon as we got going she felt 100% better as far as not caring about issues that are going on, it really cleared her head & mind! We about froze our asses off though, while I had some cold weather gear i didn't have enough for both of us, so being the good BF I am I gave her the extra gear, my coat is MUCH more substantial than hers so i had to be a man and it turned out well. Went over there last night (see a trend, that's what happens when by circumstance you have to move in w/ the rents, you want OUT) Had a few showing for the house this weekend, fingers crossed on that. got my severance info from work. Its closing July 23, and ill be getting a sizable amount of money back, going to pay off a CC save some and maybe a mini vacation for BG (hey I fucking deserve it!) so that was essentially my weekend, more pics and a detailed post about the sat riding competition as soon as I get pics!
Oh cool can't wait to see more pics from the competition - did you win? You should have if you didn't!
you will have to tune in and find out sheri! =)
Sounds like so much fun!!! My hubband would be so jealous of you and your bike riding ways. He wants one SO bad. I'm the evil wife who says no. Not with a baby on the way... LOL
PS - Yes 5:30 is mighty early. That's waht time I LEAVE my house daily for work. I get my unhappy ass up at 4:30. Ugh.
BOOOOO to being the evil wife! NO WOMAN can tell me about my bike. ive been riding since 4, taken MANY classes, and have participated in skills comps like the one on sat!
Wow, you are like a fancy motorcycle dude! My husband would be very jealous.
Too bad you didn't get the riding jacket. It would have helped in the cold, huh?
And you do deserve a vacation!
I can't wait to find out if you won!
Mmm...I want nachos now.
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