Nice huh? Well That was until I got a hold of it, I crashed...ALOT, no injuries due to the slow speeds of the exercises, but I was on the ground a TON! I had no idea it'd be this tough. SERIOUSLY! BRUTAL That's a 800lb bike. I had to pick it up each time. I learned a technique to make it easier, but when you do it so much it kicks your ass. I learned SO MUCH. A TON, and it will make me a better rider. But, I can't say I wasn't embarrassed as shit. Though everyone fell at least once, it still made me feel shitty. But its part of learning. A BIG PART! I'm excited as shit to use my new skills both o the road, and on the range! May go up north tomorrow on the bike, hit Mackinac, and other hot spots, May not also, you never know w/ BG! But I will utilize this weekend! Its gonna be great!

Doesn't compare to my fall running to first, which I still shake my head at and my shoulder still hurts from...what a dweeb (me, not you). You live and learn I guess, you're a better rider for it :)
Wow, you? Crashing? Doesn't sound like you at all.
I'd cry the first time I fell.
But I'm a pussy.
Gotta love the humble pie. Ugh! So embarassing though!!!!
Glad you're ok. I won't let my hubby have a bike.
Good for you for picking up that 800 lb bike and soldiering on! Your attitude always just rocks my socks off!
(love your Bobby G signature!)
Bee! The way they teach you, you could too pick up a 800 lb bike! Ive seen a 5 ft tall 99lb girl do it w/ said techniques!
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