Having 2 (ok 3) jobs blows! Its necessary, and kinda mandatory for me to have them, but im beginning to hate job #2, like REALLY FUCKIN DESPISE IT! It's been SO DEAD, I go there, sacrifice a good part of my Fri evening, when Im already DOG tired from hosting karaoke, and gettin my ass up for job #1. Its like $30 on a Fri PM, in the summer it should get better, but right now its a waste of my fucking time! Maybe I should take a leave of absence for like a month or so, only work if I NEED to by pickin up shifts, thatd be nice! But im to the point where im just SO DONE with it. "why not get another job 2 you ask?" well my availability is GARBAGE! No restaurant would hire me! Not when there is a college kid who can work 4-6 shifts a week.
Lets take today for instance, its gonna be fuckin 65! I had to drive my car! I got a FANTASTIC BIKE in the garage and had to drive my car, because I dont know what the weather will be like after job 2! Im so MAD! Everytime I have to work I just consider not even going in...I wouldnt get fired, the owners love me and im a strong server. Worse servers than have gotten away with more. Id feel guilty tho! Stupid guilt! lol OH well! Ill continue with it, and maybe take that time off!
Goals Update: January Edition
5 weeks ago
Ew, I'd hate to drive my car when I have a bike sitting there.
I'd think my bike was lonely.
It is! Very lonely
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