Bobby G is a slut! Not a typical slut, but a slut on Facebook! What is a FB slut you ask? Well a FB slut is one, that spends much time on FB. A FB slut may have a job that allows Internet usage and they can be on all day and when something happens POUNCE on it, or, they may be a student that has a bunch of time in between class, or they simply may have a Blackberry, where they can constantly monitor FB. Either way , I'm one of these people. If you are my FB friend, I will comment on your status, write on your wall, and wish you happy bday I will respond to your message within minutes or comment on 50 of your pictures! I need help! FB started as a burden. I got a page but I was perfectly happy with Myspace. Well slowly but surely Myspace started pissing me off, so I decided to focus on FB, when I got divorced though is when it took off. The urge to meet new people (read ladies) got me into it more than ever! Now not everyone is as FB oriented as me or my fellow sluts! I understand, you have MUCH more important things to do, honestly I do too! Its like fucking crack! Probably why FB is also known as Facecrack! If you take the time to get into it its addictive! it took me about a week! I now have a phone with Internet so I can check my email and FB! Ill set my status on the fly, change it many times a day! So if you are a FB slut too, add me as a friend, Bobby Garrott, it'll be instant gratification! INSTANT!
The only instant gratification you have is when you are with a woman. She on the other hand has 2.3 minutes of slight albeit unamused gratification. Then it's bed time. I know this because Bobby knows this. Gross.
Don't feel bad, I'm a facebook whore too. It's addictive!
My birthday is the 26th. I expect a message! lol
As you know, I've been addicted to facebook for a good long time. I too am a whore!
At my old job I was definitely on FB pretty much ALL DAY. To the point where if something new came on the news feed I would see it immediately and comment on it.
you know bobbyg, i always thought i would have a crush on you, if only you weren't such a slut.
best quote ever!
Legendary tiffy
I'm a blog whore, so you aren't alone.
Btw, I'm already a follower silly.
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