Now I LOVE MUSIC! I listen to all kinds all genres etc. But these 3 bands I DESPISE!!!! I'm gonna tackle them individually for ya
Nirvana- There was a time when I liked Nirvana. though the music was hard to understand & the lyrics made me wanna kill myself, I liked the music. Then in 1994 Kurt Cobain killed himself. all of a sudden Nirvana was the best band ever! Every time there is a countdown of best CDs of the 1990s nirvana ALWAYS WINS! Every time! It wasn't that great of a CD guys. I hate to break it to you. it had 4 or 5great songs, but it was not legendary, nor was it classic. it was just decent... The truth hurts doesn't...
The Doors- Ive always hated the Doors. When my dad forced me to listen to them on the way up north, I couldn't stand it. I thought I was being punished. WTF did I do that was so bad I had to listen to the Doors for 4 straight hours, id rather be in purgatory. Heres my major problem w/ the Doors. No bass, they have a keyboard player instead. it makes the music sound like cheap fucking carnival music. it drives me nuts. If they would've axed the keyboardist & replaced it w/ a legit bassist, I may have been able to deal. But alas, nope.
Pearl Jam- Of all the bands I hate, this one draws the most ire from friends & colleagues. I'm just gonna say it I HATE PEARL JAM! HATE THEM! There are several reasons. 1. I hate grunge, and they were the MAIN band in grunge (thanks Kurt Cobain!)2. Grunge killed my beloved hair metal, 3. grunge lasted like 4 years. It wasn't worth it. 4. Eddie Vetter is the worst singer ever. He doesn't even sing, he fucking mumbles, and people go ape shit over it. Basically they are so overrated. Whenever I hear Pearl Jam butcher a cover, (like Last Kiss) it makes me wanna puke. They do it on the regular too! Every Pearl Jam cover is about 50 times worse than the original, because the lack of Eddie Vetters range as a singer. Now if you like Pearl Jam, I wont hate on you, but I will shit on your music choice lol! Long Live GNR! fuck Pearl Jam!
Goals Update: January Edition
5 weeks ago
Ok, first Pearl Jam cd.. awesome. Rest of Pearl Jam's stuff is crap.
I love Nirvana and always will.
The truth hurts? Not nearly as much as the ankle-cast beating you so richly deserve for dissing Nirvana yet again. Hate on Kurt Cobain for introducing the world to Courtney Love's Chlamydia stained CD's, but the music was solid. Unplugged in New York is still the best unplugged, by far.
Pearl Jam did one good cover. "Dock of the bay", which i found while searching totally legal and reputable music sites....
Speaking of bands with pretentious dochebag frontmen, how' "chinese democracy" coming?
Its comin out Nov 23, and I got mine preordered!
Bobby is looking to be jumped in a dark alley by a crazed Pearl Jam fan who is in love with Eddie.
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