Thirty, though its only a few weeks old, has been kind of a revelation to me. With
what's happening at work, and the FUCKED UP MI ECONOMY, I'm kind of thinking about getting the fuck out of MI. MI blows! I was born & raised here, but find the prospect of living here not so appealing. Now that I'm no longer married, and now that my house is getting looked at a lot ( 5 times this week) hopefully someone will buy it, there is nothing keeping me here except family & friends. I love my family & friends, that's undeniable, but I feel like I may need a new exp. Well I applied to some jobs in Atlanta. Not that anything will come from it, but I kind of hope it does. I have friends that live there, and I could crash with them. They live right across the street from a cheesecake factory, and right around the corner from an ESPN Zone, so there will be serving jobs readily avail, if I don't get a job I applied for. I kind of just need a new exp. I need to meet new people, be on my own and go somewhere where the avg temp in DEC is 55! Harley weather for sure! Atlanta is a fantastic city, I was there in 1997, I enjoyed every second of it! Plus my friends that live there, Marisa and Bill, are great people! Obviously the wheels aren't yet in motion, in fact I don't know if Ill have the balls to do it! But 30 is gonna come w/ some life changes, that's for damn sure!
My friends moved to Atlanta a year and a half ago. I don't think I could live there. I hate the South, and there are way too many bible thumpers there for my liking. Plus, I like living in a place where we're not running out of water.
But, if that's what you want, go for it. I just don't think I could do it. I might not like the cold, but I dislike Southerners a lot more than I dislike Winter.
Yeah whatever, I ignore religious people now, I can ignore them there...Southerners are great rednecks are shitty. There are a lot of great southern people...In a place like Atlanta, its more southern people than redencks,
Give it a try! It would be a new adventure. There is nothing for anyone here. G wants me to consider it to, it's a hard decision.
It is! I dont want to tell my parents, itll freak them out...lol
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