As Everyone who ever reads this blog knows, I am selling my house. We have been approved for a short sale at $88K, which means if someone has $88K, that means the short sale is DONE! We can move on with our lives. My divorce doesn't feel real. We still have bills we pay jointly, we still have the house which is probably the biggest sign of our relationship. I recall how happy we were when we moved in, having a new house was GREAT! We took out a loan so we could furnish it as we wished! It was all great! (that loan has been paid off) Now we just want it to go! At $88K, it is right about $30K under what we owe. I hope it goes soon!
Which brings me to the apartment! Its in the Pines of Cloverlane in Ypsilanti, MI. The complex used to be AWFUL! It was crime ridden, drugged out, and had a terrible reputation! It got bought out about 7 years ago, and the new company dropped a bunch of money to fix up the place! They ran out all of the bad, and I even had to sign a docuent that says i dont use drugs! Its SUPER NICE! A fairly small 1 bdrm (651 SF) but I don't need a TON of room. It has a patio, it has a TON OF STORAGE! And a HUGE walk-in closet! Here's the floor plan I'm super excited! Living with you parents w/ a GF blows! Also the complex has a HUGE clubhouse with a ton of amenities. Another great thing is that the grounds are spectacular! There are many walking trails, and there is a nature preserve for walking and hiking. There is a dog park on the premises too! Which is great because my GF has a dog! The complex has 2 pools! one of which is indoor year round! All this for only $590/mo! Also I paid $200, to be in the "priority Club" which means I get to choose my units view! Also they match the $200 So that's $400 which I can prorate through the whole lease! So that $590 comes to $557. Overall i cant wait! I chose fall because I need to pay off some debt! The $600+ a mo I paid for the house will go nice to pay CC debt! Knock down a few grand! With my 3 jobs I now make enough to live, which is nice! So I don't need to rely on CCs. So my debt wont be getting any bigger! COME ON FALL! Also it'll allow me to have a real summer. I can go on some bike trips! But not too many! Paying off debt is my priority! So here to my new the Aug-Oct range!
Goals Update: January Edition
5 weeks ago
Congrats Bobby! And who knows...maybe you can make that 3 jobs 4 with some side graphic design work. I love the work you did and I think Gordie and Mike will too.
YES! Im always game for that! it is what my degree is in afterall! I have a passion for it! But I dont get to use it often!
Awesome. Glad you can finally move out of the parents house.
Sounds like you're on the Dave Ramsey plan!
Good luck with all that!
Congrats, that's awesome! Want to pay off my debt while you're at it? Cause I don't.
LOL sorry Cat I dont wanna pay off my own debt! I have to talk myself out of bankruptcy twice a week! lol
651 sf?
My house is three times the size of your apartment.
I'd feel claustraphobic.
i LOVED living there.
and i'll never forget the time that you came over, saw my bag of new old navy clothes with a pair of size ten pants hanging out the top, and you said: 'tiffy, you are the hottest size ten person i've ever seen.'
it was almost as good of a compliment as the time the you told me that you would have wanted to date me if i hadn't slept with so many people.
i can hardly type because i'm laughing so hard right now.
anyway, i'm a size 8 now, so there!
TIffy! Thats GREAT! OMG I totally forgot about the Old Navy incident! lol Ya know I love you though!
I used to live in Hunt Club (which is now something else) right next door to The Pines back when the people in The Pines were all horrible and they'd come over and mess stuff up in our complex. Glad to hear it got better!
It is family. Its my Dad. He didn't raise me, he didn't even pay child support but now that my grandma is to old to take care of him and he is aging himself he has wormed his way into my life and has taken complete and total advantage of my husband and I and acts like a jack ass all the time.
Yeah that is pretty much exactly how I feel.
I definitely don't take shit from people. I have no idea why I am taking it from him.
If anyone else in my life dared talk to me the way he does they would be out.
My husband won't let me kick him out though. He hates him too and thinks he is a jack ass but he thinks since we agreed to let him move half way across the country to live here that we are stuck with him. If only I could rewind time. ::sigh::
He isn't old enough for a home. He's 63 or 64.
He bought a house out here. The pipes burst and flooded it so Shawn and I are in the process of remodeling it, for free.
That's where all the bullshit comes in. I wouldn't mind doing it but he expects it. He had a fit because we paid a friend who helped us. he thinks everyone should work for free, work on his schedule and obsess over it like he does.
Last night he got an attitude because I was trying to work on some stuff of my own when he wanted to obsess over his house. I told him I had to do some stuff of my own and he had a freakin' fit and fell in it. He does this every time I expect him to think for himself.
He is just a dick and as soon as that house is done I may never speak to him again.
That's what i'm sayin'! He isn't old or senile just a user, loser and a dick.
I told hubby I need to become catholic so I can go to confession and confess the hate in my heart lol
For all the shit I talk about my husband he really is a saint. He can handle shit I wouldn't dream of but then again his Mom is a fucking mess too. He has been there, done that.
Thank goodness my kids have my Mom or they would have been fucked in the grandparent department!
Nice apartment! Cheap too! My 1 bedroom in Orlando was around 850 per month and didn't include much of anything except their "amenities"
P.S. - Check out my blog and pick up your 2 awards waiting for you! <3
Hey, I found your blog looking for reviews of the Pines. You havent moved in yet have you? All the reviews I've read have been negative even ones from March-ish 2009. It sure looks good, but the reviews are scary. Just wondered if you had any new insight. Thanks!
Luke. The people who work there I know personally.. They love it! People like to bitch on the net.
Bobby, Thanks for your input. Knowing that people bitch on the net, I wasn't sure what to think. I'm about to go see it in person after work. Maybe we'll cross paths in the future.
Luke mention my name. Bobby garrott. They may give me something!
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