OK usually, I'm not one to bitch, I work 3 jobs. MY day job I'm in sales, my night job I wait tables and job 3 is a Thurs night karaoke gig I run. The prob w/ the karaoke gig is that I'm usually up until 2:30 or so because the thing doesn't get over until 130. Another problem is Im up a 7 to work 8-4:30. Then after job 1 I work job 2! Job 2 usually goes until 8-10 pm. But due to a FUCKED up scheduling situation, I CLOSE at job two. If you are doing the math at home I work 8am-1am today! 17 fucking Hours! Now I did the show last night, but I didn't get drunk (THAT'S KEY!) But the task at hand is ARDUOUS! Today is gonna be LONG & AWFUL! I cant wait until 1:30 when I'm CASHED OUT in bed! Wish me luck today folks! I'm gonna need it!
Hang in there Sunshine.
I'm sure you'll be okay.
If not, punch something.
Or someone. I won't judge.
You said arduous.
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