Well this morning I got up early! Went through the regular routine. Except this morning I decided I'm riding the bike to work! its going to be 60 here in Ann Arbor MI today, and i got the itch so bad, this is my chance to scratch it. I got out side and start the bike up! It was hesitant, but it got going and warmed up for a good 10 mins when I put my riding gear on. In weather like this you must have riding gear! It's 42 right now, damn near summer compared to the winter we had but on the bike at 45MPH thats about 30 degrees. So what do you wear BG? you ask. Well I got my:
Coat Harley FXRG< waterproof, windproof, breathable w/ removable cold weather liner:

Pants. Harley FXRG Riding pants, waterproof, windproof, padded:

Helmet, Nolan Ncom 102, flip front full face helmet

Gloves, Harley FXRG waterproof, padded, armored gloves,

All this gear is for comfort and safety, I'm a very safe rider. I have taken many classes in evasive riding and also am very experienced. I started riding when I was 4. I'm 30 right now, so there ya go!
This morning was MUCH more treacherous than I thought it'd be! I pull out of the driveway and realize Damn its kind of slippery! But I was on the back roads and figured the main roads would be better, I turn onto Huron Pkwy and the back end of my bike kicks out like 3-4 ft, typically that's bad news, but I know how to ride and what I need to do to control it! I didn't go down, but it scared the shit outta me. So on Huron Pkwy I went about 25 or so for a bit until I realized the ice was gone! The rest of the ride went great! Nice a brisk out, but I had my gear on so it was all good! Its gonna be NICE today, I'm riding through my lunch break too! Happy riding people, and be safe!
It was slippery this morning. I slipped at the stop sign... not really sure how I made it through all kinds of treacherous winter storms without any troubles (Yay Elements!) but slipped on the nicest morning in months... be safe today!
I will! Itll be WARM when i leave!
I am so jealous. Please send me 60 degree weather. Please??
its in the mail Michelle!
that is awesome bobby g....!!!!! Finally no more bitchn' :)
Dont your Worry Stacey! itll be back soon LOL
I'm glad you're safe! I would've freaked the hell out.
I wish I knew how to ride.
YOu can take classes Lee! U R 16, MSF classes check your local college or Harley does riders Edge
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