Bobby G- Shia LaBouf, I wish it was someone better lol but hes hot right now and looks enough like me to make it work,

Bridgette- id go w/ Emma stone from Superbad fame, shes a redhead and she cute like Bridgette.

Big Tim- Id go w/ Seth Rogan! He looks like Big Tim even though hes YOUNGER

Big Chris- Chris Klein, the way he was in American Pie reminded me of Chris plus he looks kinda like him even though Big Chris is way shorter.(Btw I would picked Matthew LeBLanc but hes WAY older)

Ubish-Michael Cera, hes low key like Ubish & Sneaky funny like Ubish as well.

Acadia-Ubish' wife, Colby Smulders from How I Met Your Mother, shes tall and pretty & dark haired.

Casey Bowman-REVISED im going to go w/ Zach Braff w/ a buzzcutt, & a goatee, thats what CB said! lol

OK your Turn! Who would it be? Come on Bloggers Don't let me down!
haha, do you and Shia share drunk driving habits?
NO! lol We also dont share Megan Fox either unfortunately! lol
You know Becky- He may share a fond love for Transformers just like Shia. Is there a guy out there that doesn't?
I would want a sexy acrtress to play me, like Angelina Jolie or someone cool like Winona Ryder. But with my luck I would be stuck with Angela Lansbury.
Id settle for Angelina Jolie Playing ME! thats how hot she is! lol
Whatever Bobbie(s), I friggin love Transformers! don't share driving habits or Megan Fox. Sara Silverman and I, however, share Matt Damon.
True! But if I ever Met megan fox I have the cocky confidence to land her I know it! Just give me that shot lord!
well played, but the qeustion is, who did you have playing casey bowman before he asked that you changed it?
Brad Pitt, cause CB is in love w/ him! lol But hes like 40! lol
I'll take Colby, plus she recycles... and THAT as we all know is the sexiest of all!
Oh, and also... I vote that Ubish is played ny Jimmy Neutron...
i think i would have to be played by lauren ambrose.
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