This is going to be a new segment on the G-Spot, random funny things my parents do that i forgot about cause I haven't lived there in 8 yrs:
My mom is TOTALLY incapable of operating the remote! Seeing what channel something is on is AT LEAST a 5 minute ordeal, she keeps hitting the wrong buttons, then she has to look at the remote in disbelief and see what the hell is going on only to repeat this 5 times! Now a good Son would help, but she has to learn.
My dad is the snoring est man on earth. He always cashes out watching TV at like 10 pm, which is cool we have ALL DONE IT. But the bitch of it is he starts snoring like a chainsaw convention, loud as hell, then he'd get momentary consciousness and be out again. he calls it "the Mode" A funny story Tuesday night i came home from the bar and KG (dad) was cashed out on the couch, I'm trying to get in the house w/ the key which is the loudest key/lock combo in the history of earth! And he wakes up and half asleep says I thought you were someone trying to break in...I'm like really? that's the conclusion you make IMMEDIATELY? Way to be asleep dad lol
Goals Update: January Edition
5 weeks ago
MY favorite part is when they hold the remote out towards the TV, like being 18" closer will make it work better...
My mother-in-law's married boyfriend was living with us for like a year and a half or something, (shacking up is a better term, since he left her to go back to his wife last March, but apparently is coming back to her in January....a story for another time) and that dude snores louder than anyone I've ever heard. Our bedroom is downstairs and we can hear him through the floor. You can hear him through the walls with the shower running. So, my mother-in-law sleeps with this every night but tells us that using the ice dispenser in the fridge while she's asleep wakes her up. Are you serious? Chainsaw McGee doesn't do it, but the ice dispenser does?!
i'm never going to get through these if I keep commenting, but shit - I can't help it. My dad is the loudest couch snorer EVER. AND my mom, don't even get me started. She doesn't use her DVR because she can't figure it out!
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