As Everyone who ever reads this blog knows, I am selling my house. We have been approved for a short sale at $88K, which means if someone has $88K, that means the short sale is DONE! We can move on with our lives. My divorce doesn't feel real. We still have bills we pay jointly, we still have the house which is probably the biggest sign of our relationship. I recall how happy we were when we moved in, having a new house was GREAT! We took out a loan so we could furnish it as we wished! It was all great! (that loan has been paid off) Now we just want it to go! At $88K, it is right about $30K under what we owe. I hope it goes soon!
Which brings me to the apartment! Its in the Pines of Cloverlane in Ypsilanti, MI. The complex used to be AWFUL! It was crime ridden, drugged out, and had a terrible reputation! It got bought out about 7 years ago, and the new company dropped a bunch of money to fix up the place! They ran out all of the bad, and I even had to sign a docuent that says i dont use drugs! Its SUPER NICE! A fairly small 1 bdrm (651 SF) but I don't need a TON of room. It has a patio, it has a TON OF STORAGE! And a HUGE walk-in closet! Here's the floor plan I'm super excited! Living with you parents w/ a GF blows! Also the complex has a HUGE clubhouse with a ton of amenities. Another great thing is that the grounds are spectacular! There are many walking trails, and there is a nature preserve for walking and hiking. There is a dog park on the premises too! Which is great because my GF has a dog! The complex has 2 pools! one of which is indoor year round! All this for only $590/mo! Also I paid $200, to be in the "priority Club" which means I get to choose my units view! Also they match the $200 So that's $400 which I can prorate through the whole lease! So that $590 comes to $557. Overall i cant wait! I chose fall because I need to pay off some debt! The $600+ a mo I paid for the house will go nice to pay CC debt! Knock down a few grand! With my 3 jobs I now make enough to live, which is nice! So I don't need to rely on CCs. So my debt wont be getting any bigger! COME ON FALL! Also it'll allow me to have a real summer. I can go on some bike trips! But not too many! Paying off debt is my priority! So here to my new the Aug-Oct range!
Goals Update: January Edition
5 weeks ago