OK, so this is amongst the most awful winters I can remember. When you take the snow, the cold and the fact its not yet February, it makes for some AWFULNESS I cant even describe. Could this winter be more cold? (Minnesota ladies, you guys have my ultimate pity!)I mean there was a day I woke up and it was -15 with a -34 Windchill! Really? -15? When was the last time MI got that damn cold? Did I wake up and find myself in International Falls MN or what? Not to mention me and my new GF want to do all this fun stuff, but we cant because its too damn cold/snowy, shes is outdoorsy and wants to go for Harley rides, take her dog to the dog park, go for walks, bicycle rides etc. Another terrible thing is I have Cabin Fever like a MUG! I can't stand to be inside (Maybe its cause I'm forced to live w/ my parents) But also I don't want to go out, and freeze my ass off!
Another FUCKED UP THING is how badly people drive in snow! My favorite "Snow Driver" is the 4X4 SUV who thinks he can go 25 MPH faster than everyone else, Inevitably he/she ends up in the ditch, and fucks up traffic for 9 hrs! Nice work DOUCHE BAG! It took me 28 mins to get to work today, it usually takes 10, its a 4 mile commute! I'm like WTF? I left early and everything and was still 10 mins late, I don't get it, its snowed like a billion inches so far this year and people STILL CANT DRIVE IN THE SNOW! You think after the 90th snowfall this winter people would have a fucking plan of attack, but alas, I'm still behind black Ford Taurus going 14MPH in a 45. I can't pass him because everyone else is passing me! Seriously, just take the bus man...it would solve all the earth's problems! Now its time to think warm thoughts and PRAY that fucking ground hog doesn't see his shadow!
Goals Update: January Edition
5 weeks ago
I hope it warms up some for you and melts the snow away. :)
You are in AL huh? Whats it like there today?
For the love of God! Can't it just warm the fuck up already?
Oh yeah, I meant to say I agree with you. This winter is long, and cold, and miserable and I may not survive until April.
Im counting down to April! Only 61 days to go! Damn....
Stop your damn crying, you live in Michigan get over it.
I really hope it fucking warms up. It's even chilly here and it's pissing me off.
Plus people drive worse when they're cold. "BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP I'M FUCKING COLD."
Sorry, I had a bad experience today.
Do you listen to 89X? They were talking about a guy driving with his convertable top down yesterday while it was snowing.
Amen to Douche Bag Drivers in the 12 foot tall monster trucks!
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