Here are my 10 all time worst covers of songs..
10. Pearl Jam- Last kiss, I HATE Pearl Jam. That has been documented A LOT in my blog! But I always liked the original version of this song. Now its kinda ruined...
9. Smash Mouth- Im a believer, Loved the Monkees song, HATE smash mouth, I felt like it was a cover of Im a Believer at the circus...
8. Brittany Spears- Satisfaction- The stones are the Stones, Brittany is just STONED, Terrible song...
7. Celine Dion & Anastasia, You shook me all night Long! Take tight pants, big glasses, and two fiery chicks, and you got a BAD cover of a GREAT AC/DC song.
6. Jessica Simpson- These Boots were made for walking- SUPER hot video a side, TERRIBLE SONG, the Movie was awful, she did a BAD Daisey Duke cover too!
5. Michael Bolton- Sittin on the Dock of the Bay- WOW! One of the greatest Soul Songs ever, as done by the worst soul singer ever..
4. John Mayer- Free Fallin, heard this song on the way to work today and HAD to add it! It kinda inspired me to write this blog today! You cant do this better than Tom Petty, so dont try!
3. Rascal Flatts- Life is a highway Like free fallin, you cant do better than Tommy Cochran, so dont try,
2. Sweet Child O Mine- Sheryl Crow, WOW you dont mess w/ GNR, and if you do, it better be MONEY, this is a slowed down, folksy AWFUL version, its the oppositie of ROCK
1. American Pie- Madonna, This is the ALL TIME worst to me. American Pie is a CLASSIC song, Madonna, got all dance music and destroyed it!
What are your Worst Covers?
Goals Update: January Edition
5 weeks ago
I agree with each and every one of those selections.
I also hate Kid Rock and his stupid ripoff of, like, 5 other songs, to create that horrible monstrosity of which I do not speak aloud.
Thatd be all summer long! Werewolves in London & Sweet Home Alabama, Terrible lyric in that song: We were trying different things & we were smokin funny things, you CANNOT rhyme things w/ things, its just LAZY lol
Hey Bobby!
I will catch up and comment on this entry in a few. I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I totally fucked my blog up yesterday sop now I have a new URL. You can follow it from here :)
I didn't know John Mayer did that cover. Ugh! TERRIBLE!!!
I agree with all of those- I hate cover songs all together.
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