So I'm at my GFs house and she has a light out, and its an annoying one because its in the "lobby" area of the house where the shoes & coats live. So I decide I'm gonna change it. I get a chair, get a screw driver and decide to change it up! Get on the chair, take the screwdriver and take out the 1st screw. Well the whole damn globe falls and hits the top of the chair and it fucking shatters! One of the lovely pieces of glass decides it would LOVE to pierce my socks and cut the SHIT out of my foot! Well this was last night, at around 7, it hurt like a BITCH!It was worse when I had to put my shoes on for outside adventures. I didn't sleep well due tot he crazy pain, so this morning I decide to roll to the ER. I get there at about 7 or so. Roll over to Triage and they said to wait in the waiting room. So I sit there, foot throbbing for about an hr (PS all time shortest ER wait ever until i got to see someone) So i get in the back and they have NO room for me instead they have this.

In the middle of the ER, they have a SUPER comfy chair, they tell me to recline (Like I wouldn't of anyways) and they have me take off my sock. They send me to xray, to check for broken glass in the wound, and JUST to make sure my toe wasn't broken. Everything came back great. The Dr. Novocains my foot up and that hurt like a BITCH for a second, then i feel NOTHING! Here is a pic post numb

So the Doc comes back, cleans the shit out of the wound and gets to stitching. It was 3 stitches, and it wasn't a big deal. Now it hurts like SHIT! The Novocaine wore off, the other bitch of it is, i can barely walk due to the location of the wound,Here is a pic of the finished product, gruesome huh?

30 yrs old & its the first time ive ever had stitches! Prob wont be the last!
they didn't' give you any drugs to take home with you? that is BULLSHIT!
You really should take a look at Josh's wound pics from when he cut open his hand. That was fun.
This was an entertaining the pics that go laong with the story! lol
Tiffy, yeah they said Ibuprofen, i was like BITCH! lol
Oh I saw those pics Jess!
Becky, thank you! lol
How many Garrotts does it take to screw in a lightbulb? ....
Which bill do you think was larger? The replacement globe or the sutures?
We shall se Michelle lol, when I get the bill! lol
The next time you have to go to the ER tell them you're having trouble breathing...gets you in SUPER fast!
I hope I never have stitches.
God I cringed just looking at that picture.
Sarah,I didnt have to wait that long, plus the longer I waited the less time I had to work.
Lee- you are a youngster, in due time my dear, in due time!
You're a total martyr dude!
Oh my god cat I AM! But maybe, JUST maybe thats what im goin for! lol
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