Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Those Things Are Dangerous"

I'm riding to work today on the Harley and its pretty damn cold, I'm all bundled up and not in the greatest of moods. I'm about 1 mile from work at a light and a lady pulls up to me in a older Chevy Suburban rolls down her window and says to me, "those things are dangerous" I looked her and said "excuse me", she said "Motorcycles are dangerous, i hope you don't have a family" I said, "They aren't as dangerous as saying some stupid shit like that to a biker, and By the way, enjoy your 8 miles a gallon as you drive your Suburban and destroy the earth." She rolled up her window and drove away w/ a disgusted look on her face like she couldn't believe I said that, I couldn't believe SHE said that, what posseses someone to say something like that in that situation? Im happy w/ how I handled it, but still pissed at the audacity of that lady...


Becky said...

I rode my dad's Harley with him one time. I ended up killing a bird with my head. Seems like the big was dangerous, but only to the wildlife.

Not that I ever want to ride one again, because I like being belted into whatever I'm riding, but that's just me.

Bobby G said...

you need to give it another shot, ive been riding for 15 yrs on public rds and have never hit a bird lol Or any other animal for that matter