So im running late this morning, so to make up for it I was driving, how should I say this? A little bit faster than I should. I come around the corner near EMUs stadium & im doing about 11 over, when I see a police car, I slam on my brakes & look like an idiot! As I get closer I see the police car isnt one at all, its just a late 90s Dark blue (Police blue?) Crown Victoria, the driver just turns left & goes about his business. Im mildly freaking out & then im just pissed, so as i drive away i decided there should be a rule, all civilian owned Crown Vics should be Bright orange. You never see any Crown Vics that arent Dark blue or white EVER! I think Chevy was like, "hmmmmmmm how can we scare the shit out of the public on a regular basis, I got it make civilian Police cars look like regular poluice, cars." I mean i shouldnt of been speeding , but damn! lol
I f*cking HATE that they let people buy decommissioned police cars to use as personal vehicles. Seriously?! Makes me want to rear end them because you know they're getting a kick out of watching everyone slow down or get tense when they roll up to an intersection. You're right, they should have to paint those things orange!
My ex drove a black impala. The big ones they only made for a few years and people would always slam on their brakes as we pulled up behind them. I thought it was funny. My guess is people buy cop colors on purpose, for fun.
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