Ann Arbor Bennigans...Those very words invoke memories of people and events that will make me smile forever. On the surface it was just a shitty serving Job, in an old "Irish" decorated bar. Inside however, was one of the greatest groups of people I have, or ever will know. All my major life moments happened while I was at that store. First time getting drunk at a Jimmy Buffet Concert with Tiffy and Jenny. First time I got laid I worked there. We went on some of the best trips, like the time I went to Key West for bartenders weekend w/ Fritts and Tiffy! When we got tickets to see 3rd Eye Blind in a small club in Chicago FREE thanks to Becks Beer! Bennigans, the 8 yrs I worked there turned out such a quality crew! People I've met there were in my wedding, are some of my best friends that I will ever have. There are so many reasons I'll be sad to see that place go, first off I paid for maybe 1 of 4 beers. Free beer is always good, secondly the memories, oh the memories. God, the vast majority of the best years of my life were working at this job. Ill miss some friends who have moved out of state. Damn it, here come the tears. I was hoping I wouldn't cry. I feel like I'm losing a best friend, though in reality, the friends are still gonna be around! Many are changing restaurants, or moving on to other jobs in the area, but they will still be here! To the old school staff: I love so many of you folks! That place had the best eye of hiring great people. You guys helped make me who I am today! I used to be a shy kid, I know hard to believe, but the people at Bennigans embraced me into their crew and help me explode out of my shell! Ill never forget you people! To the current staff: I love you all! You folks have been some of my best friends Ive ever had! You folks have also, even though I haven't worked there in 2.5 yrs, made sure to get a hold of me for key Bennigans events. I came whenever I could, because you guys know how to fuckin party too!!!! I wanna call out a few specific people who have had a huge hand in my life. Tiffy, I love you girl! We had so many amazing times! I don't see you NEARLY enough anymore! Dave Fritts, I love you man, we also don't see each other as often as we should, but I miss you man! Gabe: You are always there for me when I need to bitch, you have let me know that shit isn't as bad as it seems and it can always be worse, so be thankful for what Ive got. Big shot out to my boy Josh Rice who is moving to Colorado, you've been there for me a lot man, we have discussed some seriously deep shit on FB chat, best of luck to you sir we will all miss you man, but now we got a legit reason to roll to Colorado, to come see you! Kristin Ellis, while we disconnected for a bit, we have reaffirmed our friendship. Thank you for being there for me on those nights where all my stuff gets to me, I love you and am so glad we have reconnected! There are so many notes I can write, everyone has touched me in some kind of way. The hearts on you people are truly the biggest Ive ever seen. God who knew back in 1999 when I filled out an application at a restaurant Id never ate at before, that it would literally change my life? I love all of you folks and best of luck to all of you in your new endeavors! You all deserve the best!
You know, when I first heard it was closing, I was happy. Like how we all used to say we'd love to burn that bitch down (it almost happened one night, too!). Then I was just indifferent, I hadn't worked there in 3 years, and I live in Jackson, so I don't see people from there anymore, if ever. But I took my family to dinner there last night for one last time, and I found myself sad. I spent three years of my life there, 60+ hours a week. I met, hired, trained, and befriended a lot of people, something like 600 in the time I was there, I worked with 19 managers, and countless regulars. I still have people on my facebook, but I really only talk to a few, we just drifted, that also made me sad.
Goodbye Bennigan's, I really will miss that part of my life.
It is really sad to see it go. I took my family there to eat today one last time and also found myself feeling somewhat sad by the time we left. I remember when you started and how shy you were, I would say you are far from that person now. It's crazy to think that one place can bring together so many and leave us with such great memories!
That's sad that they're closing.
I've never been to a Bennigan's, but I've always wanted to.
I wonder if we have one here? Probably not.
I will miss it too! It was my FIRST serving job and I lied and said I had experience with the computer program (can't remember now what it's called). I planted flowers all around the building two years in a row in exchange for free food and minimum pay. I loved Glen and Chad! You were one of my favorite co-workers along with Jon Frederick! My last shift there was awesome because my last table tipped me $40 on a $40 bill!! I then proceeded to drink at the bar (because I was allowed when I quit) and play that damn trivia game! Love it!!
PS: I also miss Gallagher's STILL and Don Carlos too!
Bobby G! Those were some good times...scamming on silverware and getting drunk with the Mondragons in the parking lot afterhours. Sad I wasn't there for the sendoff... take care and good writing.
Aw, memories!
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