How come they got rid of nap times in school? But 1st grade they were like NOPE, your ass best stay tired! I think there should be a mandatory 1 hr sleep period at work, right after lunch! That way you could throw down mass quantities of grub and then nap it off! I mean lets face it, I'm basically sleeping at 2 everyday lol, just fightin to stay awake, if I was to take a 30 min or so nap, I'd be all good! lol
I wish I could still travel around with a big wheel! It'd be awesome! Everyone could customize their big wheels! Paint em up nice!, Custom hand brake and shit, plus when you need a new one, it's only like $60!
I used to play street hockey from like 10am till dawn. Those were the days. How come if I walk 6 blocks now I'm fuckin dead? oh, I know...BEER. lol We would play all day, in sweltering fuckin heat and hardly need any water or anything. PLay all day, go home, chill, not sore, not tired, NOTHING. It's crazy how good of shape I used to be in.
No work, only school. It was, in hindsight SO DAMN EASY! In school, we had RECESS! Which is happy play time! lol I could use recess at work! Just go outside, swing for 35 mins, then come back strong! lol
No bills, no worries, summers off, all fun, no drama, no Bullshit, all happy! Those were the days! Yup, those were the days!

I wish I had that at school.
It's still a bitch, but I guess because it's college.
Oh god, I would LOVE a power nap every day at work. It would be amazing.
That is the nice thing about my crazy nanny job....NAP TIME!
Hey there stranger! It's been a while!
I wish I could take naps mid-day too. There is a perfect spot right under my desk that would be very cozy with a blanket and a pillow.
Aww...a good nap would be great after lunch...rested and ready to finish the day...
Just popped in to see what's up with Bobby G??? I've been out of the land of blog for quite some are you???
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