So in Little Mermaid. There are 2 Ariels. Underwater Mermaid, with beautiful voice, or On land Ariel, w/ legs, and NO VOICE! Seriously, what guy wouldn't want that? A Beautiful red headed Goddess who cant talk? JK ladies =) Good times huh? Dirty Nufies!
Why we are on Beauty and the Beast, and on the subject of Gaston. Why would you chose Belle when you had 3 SMOKING HOT TRIPLETS that WANT you? Its not like Belle was game, and he'd be ditching here for these girls. Hmmmmm
In Mulan, Mulan she dresses as a soldier to fight the war to save her father from death in a war. So you telling me, in a war situation, they had NO IDEA Ping (Mulan) was a chick? she never had to piss? or Change? or anything? Plus LOOK AT HER
Really? They couldn't tell? Here's the JAM from Mulan OK that's all I can think of now! Have a good Wednesday folks!!!!!
Here is a song by Great Big Sea that's about mermaids! The End RULES!!!
OK So in Beauty and the Beast Belle, was smoking hot. And she fell in love w/ a Beast, OK, that's cool. I'm w/ ya so far Disney. So they fall in love before the last rose petal falls, and he turns into.... A FUGLY PRINCE! If I was Belle Id be looking for Gaston, cause this dude is struggling.

I would have totally gone for Gaston. Just sayin'
OMG I LOVE MULAN! Lol! My mom gave me the dvd for Valentines last year. So lame. I could sing that song to you in my sleep!
Little Mermaid = all time favorite Disney movie EVAH!
I thought Mulan was totally girl-like too. What idiots for not noticing!
I loved the little mermaid. I used to watch it over and over and over...
I've never actually seen Beauty and the Beast...
Glad ya got a thing for the redheads. Although...I'm not a former mermaid and I'm certainly not silent!
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