Now if he had taken the class & was licensed he probably doesnt go over the center line, because hed of known proper cornering techniques, obviously circumstances arise, sometimes ones that are unavoidable, but if you have proper training these situations can at least be avoided, or the severity limited. All this being said, over the last few years there have been a lot of accidents involving sports figures on bike
1.Jay Williams, G Chicago Bulls had a Sportbike 2 days, crashed it foot & knee injuries etc. hasnt played in the NBA, no training or Lic,
2. Kellen Winslow JR TE Cleveland Browns, crashed motorcycle, Knee injury, unlic. & no safety class, returned to the NFL & has been a Pro Bowl Player
3. Ben Rothlisburger QB Pittsburgh Steelers- Sportbike rider, exp, no lic, no helmet, broken Jaw returned to the NFL
4. Diego Corrales- Boxer, sportbike crash on the vegas strip, going 120 rear ended a car, Drunk, he didnt survive.
Now people always say why do they let him ride, if I was a pro athlete id ride, ive taken precautions to help insure I know how to operate my machine.
The death of Luc Bourdon is a tragic reminded to the importance of being well trained to handle your machine.
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