David Cook is the winner. I was actually surprised because I thought David Archuletta was more of the cookie cutter mold that is American Idol. I also wanted DA to win because I dont like him as much as Cook, WHAT? you ask? American Idol has become a pop factory. What happened to Rueben Studdard, Taylor Hicks, & many others, infact THE most sucessful AI alum is Carrie Underwood, shes in country music, infact many of the most successful Idols are in Country music, Josh Gracin, Kelly Pickler, Bucky Covington, Obviously Carrie Underwood, Is this Country Idol? I think so. Only contestants who have sold big not in country are Chris Daughtry & Kelly Clarkson. Thats it (that i can think of) So lets hope David Cook breaks the mold, he is a talented guy, but 1st he has to get past that one cookie Cutter album that AI makes you do. The worst thing about AI is now All the Top 3 get contracts, Why you ask? Because of all the money they lost on chris Daughtry, from 2 seasons ago, he was 3rd, made a good album & got a boat load of money, none of which went to American Idols People. Now dont get me wrong i am a fan of Idol. Ive watched every season starting w/ season 2, but Im growing tired of it, they need to sing more current music, if not AI may be on the decline.....
I only watch the reject show. And, I've never watched the actual show in my life. I'm a freak, I know. I also have never seen a Star Wars movie...
WTF? Never 1 star wars movie? WOW thats a fuckin TRAVESTY! lol
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