So ever so often, you notice something that youve actually known your whole life. So im watching I love the 80s 3-D, & GOD DAMN 80s style & 80s chicks are the worst shit ever! (40s chicks are the hottest) Now the 80s were a time of strugglin, I mean the economy was great, there were tons of jobs & things were good, but the majority of 80s life was strugglin. The clothing was awful, the hair was worse, the music had some great songs but in general it sucked (except hair metal of course) The movies in general blew (except like, Top Gun, Goonies, Vacation, & a few others) Im really glad I GREW UP In the 90s, I mean the 90s had some bad shit too, (DANCE Music!, fuckin Savage Garden) but I love the 90s I loved most of the music, & the fashion etc. So im conclusion down w/ the 80s!
I think the 80's were cool. I mean how on Earth did everyone walk around so tacky and think it was hot? That is some really good self esteem! On the loan thing, do you have someone that might cosign? And did you explain the purpose was for debt consolidation? Perhaps if instead of taking a huge check from the bank, the bank wrote checks directly to the places you are in debt and closed out the accounts? Just asking because I used to be a loan officer.
well my debt to income ratio is too high so I gto DENIED lol. even w/ a cosigner due to the fact that at my Credit Union only allows you to get $7500 Ea for a total of $15,000. Its all good, my mom has a balance transfer card w/ a $20,000 limit. I just transfer it all to 1 card & pay the shit outta it.
Dont forget about this hot 80s chick!
Actually dude thats 1993 its takes fashion that long to get to Canada
well played.....
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