Sometime I wish I was a cat. Here are pros & cons
MAD advantages to being a cat are:

Licking your own junk, don't scoff, EVERY guy has tried it.
Laying around all fucking day.

A milk jug lid keeps you entertained FOR HOURS
Belly rubs!
What would suck?
Same food every fucking day no matter what.
Pissing on your shit & Vice Versa
Getting Fixed, thatd BLOW!
You can be trying to do something all day, and in 1 sec your owner fucks up your progress.

Pictured: My cat Harley AKA Kiddao (pronounced Kiddo) AKA Kiddao Pimp Juice Ridonk! That's right, ALL OF THAT is his nickname! lol Poor little guy has epilepsy, and I gotta give him a pill twice a day. He is 3 yrs old, and he is the best cat ever! he comes when you call him, he greets you like a dog when you come home, and he LOVES all guests. As long as said guest pet him lol. Have a great wednesday! Here is a song all about cats!!!
For me, the pros out weigh the cons! It's a cat's life hey!
Poor fella! At least he gets spoiled rotten by his poppa. :)
Just a bit Caitlin ;)
Awww cute cat! I feel the same about my dog... lol
LMAO!! I got up to ask minute man (my hubby) if he has ever tried to lick his own junk. He just looked at me all weird.
Kinda what I expected!!! Just admit it minute man!!!
your kitty is soooo cute! I love kitties.
I'd rather be a human.
My cat seems mad all the time...
oh hey. Maybe she takes after me.
My pets all have a zillions nicknames too!
Awww cute cat!
And don't forget about the cat advantage of strutting around everywhere naked!
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