Hey! Remember me? I'm Bobby G, I used to be here all the damn time, but then I got two new jobs that suck all my time! I always blogged at work, because it made me feel like I got paid for it. Which was dope, but new job is too damn busy! It rocks because the days fly by, but it blows because I am the worst blog friend ever! I hardly ever get on! But I'm here now bitches, I have a time frame to knock out a post and what better way to get my peeps smiling than:

My homegirl
Kat, over at the Bungalow!She rocks the HOUSE!!!!!!
Dear Bobby G Ride
You are holding up well despite being a piece of shit, that was totaled and repaired-ish. That's why I decided to get you some new shoes. Those shits cost $300 (My insurance Co says the whole fucking car now worth $280 after the accident) So you're welcome!
Also asshole, thanks for getting 23 MPG. Thus not letting me get loot for you from cash for clunkers. You are a mother fucking clunker, but I still love you!
Bitterly yours,
Dear Pandora Radio
You are the shit, and thanks to my DIVERSE musical tastes, at work I can jam out to you and hear Snoop one song and Dixie Chicks the next (Just happened now)
Entertainment-ly yours
Dear life,
Give me a fucking break, I'm bustin my ass here!
Dear Ass,
Thanks for blowing out my jeans. That's a dick move. I had to get 5 new pairs of jeans, so now I'm fly, but damn dude! Stop growing.
Ass-toundingly yours
Dear rest of me,
Up north kicked my ass, I feel like a giant blimp (and I read Ice Cubes a pimp) I don't have a scale in my apt, but damn near 200lbs seems close. Should I get a scale? I think not!!!!
Fat ass-ly yours
Dear Harley,
Sorry Ive been to busy to ride you much lately, Monday is gonna be nice, Ill take ya on a nice long ride, you deserve it!!!
Love w/ all my heart
Dear BlackBerry
Sigh., I'm gonna have to cut ya loose. I'm gonna miss you, but I need an iphone because I've been drinking all the Apple Koolaid , and right now $130/mo bill is killin me. I'm getting an old Envy 1 from my brother and I will use it until i can get a AT & T contract. Its not personal BB we had some amazing times, you recall up north? and the pic below?
For the Record I am passed out w my BlackBerry in one hand, and my Beer in the other, VIVA EL NORTE! The BB is like Crack!
Much love, and maybe Ill see ya around one day
Dear Bloggy friends
As soon as I get a time frame/schedule down I will be back more regularly, I love your loyalty as I have NOT lost and followers, I miss all of you and I miss seeing things about your lives. Ill be back in this bitch better than ever, but until then, don't forget about me!
Love all of you!
LOVE LOVE LOVE everyone! Miss you all!!!! Talk to you all soon! Much love and kisses!