I've kind of gotten away from writing for some reason. Im sure no one follows me anymore because of the fact I haven't written anything in like 6 months, However, I though today was just as good of a day as any. Ill be 32 a week from Monday. This year has been a whirlwind of emotion, but the one thing I can say is that my GF means the world to me. I love her and her kids SO MUCH! Its been a great year over all. Stopped therapy in July. I am doing very well as far as the whole Lori situation goes. That'll be a year on Monday. I think I may finally go to the grave. I haven't been able to, but I think its time now. I'm at peace about what has gone on with Lori and I am now ale to let her RIP.
IN April, I crashed the Harley. On good Friday none the less, or as I call it now, Not at all good Friday lol. I was fine, but the bike totaled. I now owe over $3000 on a bike I dont own. Which is very annoying.
Got a new car a few weeks back. A 1998 Lexus ES 300. Im stylin now, its in great shape and is SUPER DOPE!! Lots of comfort and luxury lol.