Jobs are kicking my ass! but for the 1st time in my life I can honestly say I love both of my jobs, which is a great thing! The hours are rough and leaves me little time to be social, but its all good! I am on a hiatus from the bars, spending too much money and am tired of hungover weekend mornings.
Thursday I am breaking my bar hiatus however because one of my good friends Kelly is back in town. I worked with her at the Ann Arbor News, and when it closed she took the opportunity to go to Florida! She is one of my BEST friends and I miss her so, so I'm excited to see her!!!
Went for a 65 mi Harley ride yesterday! The colors were AMAZING!!!!! It was chilly, but I had all my gear on so it was VERY comfortable! Its the best stress reliever on EARTH! I fear there aren't many days to ride left, I hope I'm wrong!
Woke up this morning and it was a LOVELY sunrise

Very nice! We are gonna have a really nice week in MI! its supposed to be 70 on Wed! So I'm excited about that, even though its a 14 hr day, and I wont get to enjoy it!
Ok folks, I'll try to post whenever possible! Miss you all!!!