Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Skipping RTT to do a bit of preaching...

The Wisconsin Based, Freedom from Religion Foundation has put several billboards, like the one above around the Detroit area. I for one agree with them. The people of Detroit have put WAY too much faith into religion to help with their day to day problems. Instead of being proactive and doing something, they sit back and wait for a greater being to "show them a sign" Church is a social scene for them. Its a place to go every Sunday and see your friends. My problem w/ churches in general is the use God to get money. These folks can barely afford day to day life, yet the collection plate goes around 3 times a service. The people of Detroit, and anywhere really, need to use their common sense.   The billboards are creating a stir in the Detroit Area as you can imagine. I just hope the people in the "D" take a step back. Darrell Dawsey from Time Magazine has written an amazing piece on this issue.  Despite your religious affiliation, I URGE you to take a look at the piece. It might just make ya think.... Sorry for the sermon folks, but it really struck me this morning, and I wanted my readers to see it.


Lee said...

Personally, I'm not going to read it.
I'm trying to find my faith again, and I don't want to read something that will send my crippling fear into full swing again.
And I wish you hadn't made that joke about the cable. Those signs were the only thing keeping my head above water, and now that I'm doubting them I'm back to square one, suffering anxiety attacks every two seconds.

Tracy said...

I consider myself a fairly religious person. However, I dont think sitting around and doing nothing but wallowing (is that a word? well if not, it is now) around hoping and "praying" for something to happen isn't the right way to go about things. People should be praying for the strength and determination to get up and go make their dreams come true. I believe that you make things happen, you make things possible, all along the way God is cheering you on and providing you the strength and means to keep going. But ultimately you have to have that desire to move.

Anonymous said...

Love it!