OK, this was supposed to be easy right? I got to court, have them check my paper work, ready my testimony & I'm out the door right? WRONG! First off, no one knew where the fuck I needed to be, I heard this court, I heard that court, I heard this judge & I heard that judge. I get to the court at 12:45, I get where I need to be at 1:45. I got to the court, the lady looks over my paperwork and says "wheres Bridgette?" I'm like "Shes at work" the court lady says "She needs to be here" I'm like "OK, well what can I do" She said "She has to sign this paper" I'm like "OK what if I hightail it over to her work and have her sign this, and hightail it back?" She said "If we are still here doing divorces that ll be fine" So I bust out of the court, roll to the structure, get in the the VW, BUST ASS out to Bridgette works way the hell out on Oak Valley Dr, have her sign the shit, BUST ASS back to the court and get to the courtroom and the doors are locked, and the lights are off, I'm like "FUCK!!!!" A lady hears me and says "Can I help you?" I'm like "yeah I had my wife sign these things and it looks like you are done." She said "Oh the are right across the hall" Sure enough they are. I get the papers to the lady and thing gets in motion. I go around the corner, and sit next to a guy we shall call him "MIKE" Mikes divorce has been DRAMA! its been going on since 2006 and the crazy bitch is trying to stick him for shit, that he doesn't even have. She wants insurance for life and stuff, and this is the 5th time hes been to court for this divorce. He was a cool ass guy. He was funny, hes had a rough life, grew up in the projects in Cleveland, was an alcoholic, been married twice, good stories, it really helped the time pass! Well finally we get in the courtroom and finally I say my testimony, that's right 3 FUCKING HOURS for two minutes in court. I was relieved to be done, but I was PISSED OFF! The good news is work gave me a 3 hr lunch break, and I don't have to make up the time. And thus concludes Bobby G's EXCELLENT DIVORCE ADVENTURE!!!!
wow all that work for two minutes on court time??? well at least it's over for you..
yeah for sure!
How frustrating!
Dude, you and I don't see eye to eye on much but sorry about the shitty deal you got. At least it's over...
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